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Last active October 10, 2016 19:05
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Save jotazzu/6940499 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modification of WordPress Plugin "Dynamic Image Resizer". Additionally allows to dynamically create the meta data for intermediate image sizes for already uploaded images.
<?php /*
Plugin Name: Dynamic Image Resizer
Plugin URI:
Author: Otto42 / Modified by JochenT
Author URI:
Version: (11.10.2013)
Description: Change the WordPress image uploader system to do image resizing on the fly.
Included: [function image_resize() is deprecated since WP 3.5]
Included: [change returning status code to 200]
Added : Now all image formats supported which can be handled by new class WP_Image_Editor
Added : Function dynimg_add_missing_size() which adds/changes image sizes in the meta data of already uploaded images, too
Added : Three defines which enable the new functionality. Should be implemented as options later.
* The next three defines enable additional features which are only usefull if intermediate image sizes have been
* added or changed. To add/change image sizes use function add_image_size() or a plugin like "Simple Image Sizes".
// If adding a NEW image size, WP does not create resized image files for already uploaded images.
// Set this constant to TRUE, to create resized image files for already uploaded images, too.
// If an existing image size is CHANGED, WP does not create resized versions for already uploaded images.
// Set this constant to TRUE, to create resized image files for already uploaded images for changed image sizes, too.
// Also constant DYNIMG_CREATE_IMAGE_FOR_ADDED_SIZE_ALWAYS has to be set to TRUE to enable this feature.
// Existing image files of the old size will not be deleted but the meta entry may be deleted. Thus you should not use
// this option if you have manually created cropped versions for any of the intermediate sizes and want to be able to
// display them further.
// If an existing image size has been changed and the image files with the old size dimensions will not be
// used anymore, they may be removed. Nevertheless, the originally uploded image file will never be deleted.
// This option can not be used to delete obsolete resized image files afterwards. The deletion of an old image
// file has always to take place simultaneously with the creation of the new resized image file.
// In the case the old resized image file is still referenced directly from any post content or some image sizes
// have been set to the same dimensions (e.g. post-thumbnail=1000x300 and large=1000x300) this will not result
// in problems as the 404 handler of this plugin will regenerate that sizes on the fly again, if needed.
// Set this constant to TRUE, to delete existing old image files for a changed image size.
// to be set to TRUE to enable this feature.
// disable plugin on multisite
if (is_multisite()) return;
// do the dynamic resizing of the image when the 404 handler is invoked and it's for a non-existant image
add_action('template_redirect', 'dynimg_404_handler');
function dynimg_404_handler() {
if ( !is_404() ) { return; }
// Has the file name the proper format for this handler?
if ( !preg_match('/(.*)-([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)(c)?\.(\w+)($|\?|#)/i', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $matches) ) {
$mime_types = wp_get_mime_types();
$img_ext = $matches[5];
$ext_known = false;
// The extensions for some MIME types are set as regular expression (PCRE).
foreach( $mime_types as $rgx_ext => $mime_type ) {
if ( preg_match( "/{$rgx_ext}/i", $img_ext ) ) {
if ( wp_image_editor_supports( array( 'mime_type' => $mime_type ) ) ) {
$ext_known = true;
if ( !$ext_known) { return; }
$filename = urldecode($matches[1].'.'.$img_ext);
$width = $matches[2];
$height = $matches[3];
$crop = !empty($matches[4]);
$uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$temp = parse_url($uploads_dir['baseurl']);
$upload_path = $temp['path'];
$findfile = str_replace($upload_path, '', $filename);
$basefile = $uploads_dir['basedir'].$findfile;
// Serve the image this one time (next time the webserver will do it for us)
dynimg_create_save_stream( $basefile, $width, $height, $crop);
* Create a resized image, then save and stream it to the web browser.
* @param string $file File path.
* @param int $width Image width.
* @param int $height Image height.
* @param bool $crop Optional, default is false. Whether to crop image to specified height and width or resize.
function dynimg_create_save_stream( $file, $width, $height, $crop = false ) {
if ( !$width && !$height ) { return; }
$editor = wp_get_image_editor( $file );
if ( is_wp_error( $editor ) ) { return; }
// Allow to configure custom image quality (WP default = 90)
// For examples see
// $editor->set_quality( 90 );
// Alternatively the WP filter hook 'jpeg_quality' may be used
if ( is_wp_error( $editor->resize( $width, $height, $crop ) ) ) {
$suffix = $editor->get_suffix();
if ($crop) { $suffix .='c'; }
$dest_file = $editor->generate_filename( $suffix );
$resized_file = $editor->save( $dest_file );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $resized_file ) && $resized_file ) {
status_header( '200' );
// Prevent WP from generating resized images on upload. Hook in very late.
add_filter( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'dynimg_image_sizes_advanced', 999);
function dynimg_image_sizes_advanced( $sizes) {
global $dynimg_image_sizes;
// Save the sizes to a global, because the next function needs them to lie to WP about what sizes were generated
$dynimg_image_sizes = $sizes;
// Force WP to not make sizes by telling it there's no sizes to make
return array();
// Trick WP into thinking images were generated anyway. Hook in very early.
add_filter( 'wp_generate_attachment_metadata', 'dynimg_generate_metadata', 5);
function dynimg_generate_metadata( $meta) {
global $dynimg_image_sizes;
foreach ($dynimg_image_sizes as $size_name => $preset_size) {
// Build the fake meta entry for the size
$resized = dynimg_get_resized_image( $meta, $size_name, $preset_size);
if ( !empty($resized) && is_array($resized)) {
$meta['sizes'][$size_name] = $resized;
return $meta;
* If an intermediate size of an image is not available, then add it to the meta data. Hook in
* very early to provide the missing meta data to other filters, too.
* If $size is an array, return FALSE.
* @param bool|array $prev_result Result of previous filters or the initial value from the hook.
* @param int $post_id Attachment ID
* @param array|string $size Optional, default is 'medium'. Size of image, either array or string.
* @return bool|array False to let calling function continue, array if a new size is added.
add_filter('image_downsize', 'dynimg_add_missing_size', 4, 3);
function dynimg_add_missing_size( $prev_result, $post_id, $size_name = 'medium') {
if ($prev_result !== false || is_array($size_name)) { return $prev_result; }
$attach_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id);
// Check if the requested size name already exists in the meta data.
$intermediate_size = array();
if ( !empty($attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name])) {
// Return, if changed sizes should be ignored
$intermediate_size = $attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name];
// Get the preset dimensions of the requested image size
$preset_sizes = dynimg_get_preset_sizes();
$preset_size = $preset_sizes[$size_name];
$upload_info = wp_upload_dir();
// Calculate the size the image will have based on the dimensions of the original unresized
// image and the requested preset size.
$resized = dynimg_get_resized_image( $attach_meta, $size_name, $preset_size);
if ( empty($resized) || !is_array($resized)) {
if ( !empty($intermediate_size)) {
// The modification of the preset dimensions of this $size_name actually results in the use of the original image
// Delete the resized image file for this $size_name, if exists
// No entry for this intermediate size should be maintained any more
unset( $attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name]);
// Update the meta data of the attachment. In case of failure, continue.
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $attach_meta);
return false;
$do_meta_update = true;
if ( !empty($intermediate_size) && is_array($intermediate_size)) {
// An intermediate image size has been found
if ( $intermediate_size['width'] == $resized['width'] &&
$intermediate_size['height'] == $resized['height'] &&
$intermediate_size['crop'] == $resized['crop']
) {
$do_meta_update = false;
} else {
// The size stored in the meta data of the attachment for $size_name is different from the value
// in $resized. This happens only once after a change of the dimensions of a predetermed image size.
if ($do_meta_update) {
// A resized image with the requested dimensions can be created from the original. This image is always smaller.
$attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name] = $resized;
// Save the new/modified size to the meta data of the attachment.
if ( !wp_update_attachment_metadata( $post_id, $attach_meta)) { return false; }
return false;
* If a downsized version of an image is not available, then create the necessary meta data.
* @param array $attach_meta Array with the values of key '_wp_attachment_metadata' from table post_meta
* @param string $size_name Name of a size as set with function add_image_size()
* @param array $preset_size Values for named size $size_name
* @return bool|array False | Array if a new size has been calculated.
function dynimg_get_resized_image( $attach_meta, $size_name, $preset_size) {
$has_intermediate_size = false;
$intermediate_size = $attach_meta['sizes'][$size_name];
if ( !empty($intermediate_size) && is_array($intermediate_size)) {
// Check if the intermediate size already matches the preset size sufficiently. This is the case if the preset size
// hasn't been changed since last access or due to previous modifications by other plugins like 'Crop Thumbnails'.
$filename = $intermediate_size['file'];
$width = $intermediate_size['width'];
$height = $intermediate_size['height'];
$crop = $intermediate_size['crop'];
if ($preset_size['crop'] == $crop) {
if ( $crop && ($preset_size['width']==$width && $preset_size['height']==$height)) {
$has_intermediate_size = true;
} elseif ( !$crop && ($preset_size['width']==$width || $preset_size['height']==$height)) {
$has_intermediate_size = true;
if ( !$has_intermediate_size) {
// Figure out what size WP would make this
$newsize = image_resize_dimensions(
$attach_meta['width'], $attach_meta['height'], // dimensions of the originally uploaded unresized image
$preset_size['width'], $preset_size['height'], $preset_size['crop'] // requested size
if ( !empty($newsize) && is_array($newsize)) {
$width = $newsize[4];
$height = $newsize[5];
$suffix = "{$width}x{$height}";
$crop = $preset_size['crop'];
if ($crop) { $suffix .='c'; }
$info = pathinfo($attach_meta['file']);
$ext = $info['extension'];
$name = wp_basename($attach_meta['file'], ".$ext");
$filename = "{$name}-{$suffix}.{$ext}";
$has_intermediate_size = true;
if ( !$has_intermediate_size) {
// The original image can not be resized to $preset_size or it matches already sufficiently
return false;
// Build the meta entry for $size_name
return array(
'file' => $filename,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height,
'crop' => $crop,
* Evaluates the dimensions of standard (thumbnail, medium, large) and user defined image sizes.
* Copied from function /wp-admin/includes/image.php#wp_generate_attachment_metadata()
* @return array The actual dimensions and crop values of all preset image sizes.
function dynimg_get_preset_sizes() {
global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
$sizes = array();
foreach ( get_intermediate_image_sizes() as $s ) {
$sizes[$s] = array( 'width' => '', 'height' => '', 'crop' => false );
if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['width'] ) )
$sizes[$s]['width'] = intval( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['width'] ); // For theme-added sizes
$sizes[$s]['width'] = get_option( "{$s}_size_w" ); // For default sizes set in options
if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['height'] ) )
$sizes[$s]['height'] = intval( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['height'] ); // For theme-added sizes
$sizes[$s]['height'] = get_option( "{$s}_size_h" ); // For default sizes set in options
if ( isset( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['crop'] ) )
$sizes[$s]['crop'] = intval( $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$s]['crop'] ); // For theme-added sizes
$sizes[$s]['crop'] = get_option( "{$s}_crop" ); // For default sizes set in options
return $sizes;
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