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Created December 21, 2019 17:04
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Chromatic aberration shader used in
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float scale = 0.0;
uniform float max_scale = 10.0;
uniform float intensity = 2.0;
void fragment() {
vec2 offset = SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE * scale;
offset.y = 0.0;
// Rotate the offset for larger scales
// Turend this off because it felt like too much
float angle = step(1.1, scale) * sin(TIME) * 3.141579 * 2.0;
float s = sin(angle);
float c = cos(angle);
vec2 v = offset;
offset.x = c * v.x - s * v.y;
offset.y = s * v.x + c * v.y;
float ratio = 0.5;
// Offset the red channel
vec4 red_channel = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV + offset);
red_channel.r *= ratio;
red_channel.g = 0.0;
red_channel.b = 0.0;
red_channel.a = ratio;
// Offset the blue channel
vec4 blue_channel = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV - offset);
blue_channel.r = 0.0;
blue_channel.g *= 0.0;
blue_channel.b *= step(1.1, scale) * ratio;
blue_channel.a = ratio;
// Subtract red and blue from the base channel
vec4 base = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV);
base.r *= (1.0 - ratio);
base.b *= (1.0 - step(1.1, scale) * ratio);
base.a = 1.0 - ratio - step(1.1, scale) * ratio;
//base.a += step(1.1, scale) * 2.0; // intensify colors when distorting
base.a += smoothstep(1.1, max_scale, scale) * intensity;
// Add em up
COLOR = base + red_channel + blue_channel;
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