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Last active November 1, 2016 16:18
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Exercise 1

[use fiitpdt/postgres for this excercise] Suppose the following relational schema exists, where there are travel agents selling flights to some destination. A flight can have multiple services from the set {business class, lunch, drinks, priority boarding, online check-in}.

AGENT (**a_id**, name)
FLIGHT (**destination**, pilot_name, a_id)
SERVICE (**flight**, **service**)
  • Transform this schema to an object version using 2 data types
  • Insert some test data
  • Write query which returns services provided on a flight to London. Results should be in 1st normal form

Transform this schema to an object version using 2 data types

create type t_agent as (
    name text

create type t_flight as (
    destination text,
    pilot_name text,
    agent t_agent,
    services text array

create table flights of t_flight;

Insert some test data

insert into flights values ('Brusel', 'Tomas', row('Agent 001'), array ['drinks', 'lunch']);
insert into flights values ('Paris', 'Pavol', row('Agent 002'), array ['business class', 'lunch', 'drinks', 'priority boarding', 'online check-in']);
insert into flights values ('London', 'Jozef', row('Agent 002'), array ['business class', 'lunch', 'online check-in']);

Write query which returns services provided on a flight to London. Results should be in 1st normal form

select destination, unnest(services) from flights where destination = 'London';
!!! Ked sa niekde pise, ze iba 2 typy, tak robit iba 2 typy
create type t_agent as (
name text
create type t_flight as (
destination text,
pilot_name text,
agent t_agent,
services text array
create table flights_types of t_flight;
!!! Pozor, syntax prednasajuceho je trochu ina, treba sa ju len naucit
insert into flights_types values ('Brusel', 'Tomas', row('Agent 001'), "{'drinks', 'lunch'}")
insert into flights_types values ('Brusel', 'Tomas', row('Agent 001'), ['drinks', 'lunch'])
select * from flights_types where destination = 'Brusel'
select (agent).name from flights_types where destination = 'Brusel'
select services from flights_types where destination = 'Brusel'
select unnest(services) from flights_types where destination = 'Brusel'
#vsetky lety kde dostanem obed
select * flights_types where 'lunch' = any(services)
create type t_person as (
name text,
address text,
skills text array
create type t_car as (
make text,
model text,
performance text,
mechanic t_person,
driver t_person
create table garage of t_car;
insert into garage values ('2016', 'Skoda', 'maly', row('Jozef', 'Krivan', array ['driving', 'repair']), row('Pali', 'LM', array ['driving', 'winning']));
insert into garage values ('2016', 'Skoda', 'maly', row('Karol', 'LM', array ['driving', 'repair']), row('Stefan', 'LM', array ['driving', 'winning']));
insert into garage values ('2015', 'Nissan', 'velky', row('Peter', 'Krivan', array ['repair']), row('Matej', 'BA', array ['driving', 'winning']));
select (mechanic).name from garage where 'driving' = any((mechanic).skills);
select * from garage where (mechanic).address = (driver).address;
select (driver).name, (driver).skills[1] from garage;
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