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JP Camara jpcamara

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Ruby: The future of frozen string literals

What is a literal?

In programming languages, literals are textual representations of values in the source code. This is a syntactical concept.

Some examples:

7 # integer literal
skunkworker / append_json_column_rails_5.rb
Last active October 11, 2022 16:13
How to append to a json column array in Rails 5.
# assuming Model is your model and options is a json/jsonb column.
# This uses the Postgres json append || operator.
# And wraps the option inside an array.
# producing [{},{}] multiple hashes inside a top level json array.
# It is very important that the hash is [{}] NOT {} as not having the array on the
# outside will cause the hash to replace the contents instead of appending to them.
new_option = [{
name: option_name,
toddmotto / *.md
Last active April 25, 2023 09:06
Component versus Directive in AngularJS

Component versus Directive in AngularJS


Components are not "helper" methods, they are the best change in Angular 1.x since I've been using it.

What is the role of .component()?

  • Declares new HTML via a template or templateUrl
  • Should be used to create Components as part of a Component architecture
jmatthiesen / cordova-ios-disable-push.js
Last active August 21, 2017 08:20 — forked from Delagen/cordova-ios-disable-push.js
A hook to automate setting the DISABLE_PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS preprocessor definition when building on iOS. This helps prevent warnings from App Store submission about using push notifications, if you don't intend to use them.
"use strict";
/*use in config.xml <hook type="after_platform_add" src="../path/to/cordova-ios-disable-push.js"/>*/
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var COMMENT_KEY = /_comment$/;
function nonComments(obj) {
var newObj = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
if (!COMMENT_KEY.test(key)) {
"use strict";
/*use in config.xml <hook type="after_platform_add" src="../path/to/cordova-ios-disable-push.js"/>*/
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var COMMENT_KEY = /_comment$/;
function nonComments(obj) {
var newObj = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
if (!COMMENT_KEY.test(key)) {
amochohan / 01_Laravel 5 Simple ACL
Last active April 22, 2024 17:19
Laravel 5 Simple ACL - Protect routes by an account / role type

#Laravel 5 Simple ACL manager

Protect your routes with user roles. Simply add a 'role_id' to the User model, install the roles table and seed if you need some example roles to get going.

If the user has a 'Root' role, then they can perform any actions.


Simply copy the files across into the appropriate directories, and register the middleware in App\Http\Kernel.php

woogist / functions.php
Last active October 4, 2022 10:40
Apply different tax rates based on user role
* Apply a different tax rate based on the user role.
function wc_diff_rate_for_user( $tax_class, $product ) {
if ( is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) {
$tax_class = 'Zero Rate';
return $tax_class;
staltz /
Last active June 2, 2024 11:03
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
tlrobinson / post-receive
Last active December 7, 2022 08:15
Super simple git post-receive hook for Node.js + nvm + npm + node-foreman + init (Ubuntu) deployment
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -u
set -e
export GIT_WORK_TREE="/var/www/"
export NODE_VERSION="0.10"
echo "--> Checking out..."
git checkout -f
phil-monroe / 01-Faye
Last active March 14, 2016 12:35
Embed scalable Faye into Rails app hosted with Puma, Thin, etc.

This is just a jotting of notes on how to embed Faye into a single Rails process. Makes it nice to do simple real time things without the need for a separate Faye server/process.

Also uses Faye Redis to work across load balanced Rails apps.

You also need to copy the compiled javascript into vendor/assets/javascripts and include into application.js manifest.

Ignore the numbers in the file names... just used to add order to the Gist.

This uses the faye/faye Github repo at edc5b42f6560d31eae61caf00f6765a90e1818d1 since I wanted to use with the Puma rack server and that is only available in the master branch (until Faye 1.0)