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Created August 3, 2018 02:35
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Outlook GAL (Global Address List) Export
#initialize the Outlook application
[Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application] $outlook = New-Object -ComObject Outlook.Application
#store all values from the default GAL to $entries
$entries = $outlook.Session.GetGlobalAddressList().AddressEntries
#declare array outside of the loop
$object = @()
#loop through all entries retrieved
foreach ($entry in $entries) {
#Set values from each object
$firstname = $entry.getExchangeUser().FirstName
$lastname = $entry.getExchangeUser().LastName
$email = $entry.getExchangeUser().PrimarySMTPAddress
$mobile = $entry.getExchangeUser().MobileNumber
$officel = $entry.getExchangeUser().OfficeLocation
$jobtitle = $entry.getExchangeUser().JobTitle
$officephone = $entry.getExchangeUser().OfficePhone
$city = $entry.getExchangeUser().City
$state = $entry.getExchangeUser().stateorprovince
$postalcode = $entry.getExchangeUser().PostalCode
$streetaddress = $entry.getExchangeUser().StreetAddress
$company = $entry.getExchangeUser().Company
$country = $entry.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty(‘’)
#Export a for loop to a CSV file
$object += New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
FirstName = $firstname
LastName = $lastname
Email = $email
Mobile = $mobvile
OfficeLocation = $officel
JobTitle = $jobtitle
OfficePhone = $officephone
City = $city
State = $state
PostalCode = $postalcode
StreetAddress = $streetaddress
Company = $company
Country = $Country
} | Select-Object FirstName, LastName, Email, Mobile, OfficeLocation, JobTitle, OfficePhone, City, State, PostalCode, StreetAddress, Company, Country
#exports object to file or an array to a file
$object | export-csv c:\temp\outlookaddresslist.csv -notypeinformation
You need to create a Temp folder on your C: drive for this to work.
Alternatively, if you have access to Exchange, this can be run:
$entries = (Get-GlobalAddressList 'Default Global Address List’).RecipientFilter
Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter $filter | Where-Object {$_.HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled -ne $false} | Select-Object Name,PrimarySmtpAddress, Mobile, OfficeLocation, JobTitle, OfficePhone, City, State, PostalCode, StreetAddress, Company, Country | Export-CSV c:\Temp\ExchangeAddressList.csv -NoTypeInformation
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