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Last active November 8, 2023 11:45
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Hook for `react-hook-form` that lets you maintain state of a form field's warning (that is: an error that doesn't prohibit the form from being submitted).
import { useCallback, useState, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import {
} from "react-hook-form";
import { useDebouncedCallback } from "use-debounce";
* Returns state of a warning for the given form field.
* Temporary workaround until `react-hook-form`
* [supports warnings](
* @example
* ```tsx
* const { warning, triggerWarning } = useFormFieldWarning<
* FormData,
* 'ccNumber',
* string | undefined
* >({
* name: 'ccNumber',
* validate(value) {
* if (value && !validateCcNumber(value)) {
* return "This number looks incorrect. Please double check it before submitting.";
* }
* }
* });
* return (
* <>
* <Controller
* name="ccNumber"
* control={control}
* render={({ onChange, onBlur, value }): React.ReactElement => (
* <TextInput
* value={value}
* onChangeText={onChange}
* onBlur={(): void => {
* onBlur();
* triggerWarning();
* }}
* />
* )}
* />
* {warning && <Alert type="warning">{warning}</Alert>}
* </>
* );
* ```
* @license WTFPL (
* @see
export function useFormFieldWarning<
TFieldValues extends Record<string, any>,
TFieldName extends string,
validate: validateValue,
onChangeDebounceDelay = 500
}: {
* For now only one mode is supported,
* but maybe we'll want to have more in the future?
* - `onChangeDebounced`: after each change, warning is emptied immediately,
* and then validated after `onChangeDebounceDelay` ms.
* You should also call `triggerWarning()` in your field's `onBlur()` so that it is
* validated immediately after it.
mode?: "onChangeDebounced";
name: TFieldName;
value: TFieldName extends keyof TFieldValues
? UnpackNestedValue<TFieldValues[TFieldName]>
: UnpackNestedValue<LiteralToPrimitive<TFieldValue>>
): string | undefined;
onChangeDebounceDelay?: number;
}): {
warning: string | undefined;
triggerWarning(): void;
} {
const [warning, setWarning] = useState<string>();
const validateValueRef = useRef(validateValue);
validateValueRef.current = validateValue;
const { watch, getValues } = useFormContext<TFieldValues>();
const validate = useCallback((): void => {
const value = getValues<TFieldName, TFieldValue>(name);
const nextWarning = validateValueRef.current(value as any);
}, [getValues, name]);
const {
callback: validateDebounced,
cancel: cancelValidateDebounce
} = useDebouncedCallback(validate, onChangeDebounceDelay);
const value = watch<TFieldName, TFieldValue>(name);
useEffect((): void => {
}, [value, cancelValidateDebounce, validateDebounced]);
return {
triggerWarning: validate
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