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Last active May 23, 2021 05:18
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Script for quicker deployment with Laravel and Forge
# The idea of this deployment script is to create a deploy copy of your website and handle
# Git and Composer updates in there. Aferwards, it just renames that deploy copy to become the
# live website. We then run the database migrations and take the application out of maintenance mode.
# Obviously, you will have to replace all instances of {{ websiteName }} with the name of your website and
# {{ branchName }} with the name of the branch you would like to pull changes from. This is usually the master branch.
# Start by checking for for old deployment folder and remove it if we have one.
if [ -d "/home/forge/{{ websiteName }}-deploy" ]; then
rm -Rf /home/forge/{{ websiteName }}-deploy
# Check for old backup folder and remove that too.
if [ -d "/home/forge/{{ websiteName }}-backup" ]; then
rm -Rf /home/forge/{{ websiteName }}-backup
# Make a copy of the current website and suffix it with -deploy.
cp -R /home/forge/{{ websiteName }} /home/forge/{{ websiteName }}-deploy
# Navigate to the folder where we'll handle the deployment.
cd /home/forge/{{ websiteName }}-deploy
# Pull new changes from Git repository.
git pull origin {{ branchName }}
# Update / install Composer dependencies
composer install --no-interaction --no-dev --prefer-dist
# Put the deployment app in maintenance mode.
php artisan down
# Move the current website to a backup folder.
mv /home/forge/{{ websiteName }} /home/forge/{{ websiteName }}-backup
# Rename the recently updated deploy copy to become the live website.
mv /home/forge/{{ websiteName }}-deploy /home/forge/{{ websiteName }}
# Navigate to current live website which is now in maintenance mode.
cd /home/forge/{{ websiteName }}
# Update database.
php artisan migrate --force
# Update route caching (Optional).
php artisan route:cache
# Lastly, take the app out of maintenance mode.
php artisan up
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