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Created February 20, 2024 16:58
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VPN over SSH port forward helper. It generates opts for ssh binary.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
_help_text="""VPN over SSH port forward helper. It generates opts for ssh binary.
Usage1: {sys.argv[0]} -L hostA port1 port2 -R hostB port3
Usage2 - ssh to bastionA to gain "direct" access to hostA ports 8080 and 8443
sudo ip addr add vmA/32 dev lo
ssh ubuntu@bastionA $(sys.argv[0]} -L hostA 8080 8443)
class PFSpec:
# port forward spec
direction: str
host: str
ports: list[str]
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
direction_all = ["-L", "-R"]
pfspecs = []
ii_direction = [ii for ii, arg in enumerate(argv) if arg in direction_all]
for jj, ii in enumerate(ii_direction):
direction = argv[ii]
assert direction in direction_all
host = argv[ii+1]
if jj+1 < len(ii_direction):
ii_next_dir = ii_direction[jj+1]
# last iteration
ii_next_dir = len(argv)
ports = argv[ii+2 : ii_next_dir]
# print(f"DBG dir={direction} host={host} ports={ports}")
pfspecs.append(PFSpec(direction, host, ports))
outs = ""
for pfs in pfspecs:
for port in pfs.ports:
outs += f"{pfs.direction} {}:{port}:{}:{port} "
outs = outs.strip()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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