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EC2 CloudWatch stats for Dashing
<!-- Get the Rickshawgraph widget from -->
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
<div data-id="ec2-cpu" data-view="Rickshawgraph" data-title="CPU Usage"
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
<div data-id="ec2-cpugraph" data-view="Graph" data-title="CPU Usage"

Get EC2 CloudWatch stats and graph them in Dashing.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require './lib/dashing-ec2'
dashing_ec2 ={
:access_key_id => "YOUR KEY ID HERE",
:secret_access_key => "YOUR SECRET HERE",
# See documentation here for cloud watch API here:
# See documentation on various metrics and dimensions here:
# Note that Amazon charges [$0.01 per 1000 reqeuests](,
# so:
# | frequency | $/month/stat |
# |:---------:|:------------:|
# | 1m | $0.432 |
# | 10m | $0.043 |
# | 1h | $0.007 |
# In the free tier, stats are only available for 5m intervals, so querying more often than
# once every 5 minutes is kind of pointless. You've been warned. :)
SCHEDULER.every '10m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
cpu_usage = [
{name: 'server1', instance_id: "i-xxxxxxxx", region: 'us-east-1'},
{name: 'server2', instance_id: "i-yyyyyyyy", region: 'us-east-1'},
{name: 'server3', instance_id: "i-zzzzzzzz", region: 'us-east-1'}
cpu_series = []
cpu_usage.each do |item|
cpu_data = dashing_ec2.getInstanceStats(item[:instance_id], item[:region], "CPUUtilization", :average)
cpu_data[:name] = item[:name]
cpu_series.push cpu_data
# If you're using the Rickshaw Graph widget:
send_event "ec2-cpu", { series: cpu_series }
# If you're just using the regular Dashing graph widget:
send_event "ec2-cpu-server1", { points: cpu_series[0][:data] }
send_event "ec2-cpu-server2", { points: cpu_series[1][:data] }
send_event "ec2-cpu-server3", { points: cpu_series[2][:data] }
require 'aws-sdk'
require 'time'
class DashingEC2
def initialize(options)
@access_key_id = options[:access_key_id]
@secret_access_key = options[:secret_access_key]
@clientCache = {}
# Get statistics for an instance
# * `instance_id` is the instance to get data about.
# * `region` is the name of the region the instance is from (e.g. 'us-east-1'.) See
# [monitoring URIs](
# * `metric_name` is the metric to get. See
# [the list of build in metrics](
# * `type` is `:average` or `:maximum`.
# * `options` are [:start_time, :end_time, :period, :dimensions] as per
# `get_metric_statistics()`, although all are optional. Also:
# * `:duration` - If supplied, and no start_time or end_time are supplied, then start_time
# and end_time will be computed based on this value in seconds. Defaults to 6 hours.
def getInstanceStats(instance_id, region, metric_name, type=:average, options={})
if type == :average
statName = "Average"
elsif type == :maximum
statName = "Maxmimum"
statKey = type
# Get an API client instance
cw = @clientCache[region]
if not cw
cw = @clientCache[region] ={
server: "https://monitoring.#{region}",
access_key_id: @access_key_id,
secret_access_key: @secret_access_key
# Build a default set of options to pass to get_metric_statistics
duration = (options[:duration] or (60*60*6)) # Six hours
start_time = (options[:start_time] or ( - duration))
end_time = (options[:end_time] or (
get_metric_statistics_options = {
namespace: "AWS/EC2",
metric_name: metric_name,
statistics: [statName],
start_time: start_time.utc.iso8601,
end_time: end_time.utc.iso8601,
period: (options[:period] or (60 * 5)), # Default to 5 min stats
dimensions: (options[:dimensions] or [{name: "InstanceId", value: instance_id}])
# Go get stats
result = cw.get_metric_statistics(get_metric_statistics_options)
if ((not result[:datapoints]) or (result[:datapoints].length == 0))
# TODO: What kind of errors can I get back?
puts "\e[33mWarning: Got back no data for instanceId: #{region}:#{instance_id} for metric #{metric_name}\e[0m"
answer = nil
# Turn the result into a Rickshaw-style series
data = []
result[:datapoints].each do |datapoint|
point = {
x: (datapoint[:timestamp].to_i), # time in seconds since epoch
y: datapoint[statKey]
data.push point
data.sort! { |a,b| a[:x] <=> b[:x] }
answer = {
name: "#{metric_name} for #{instance_id}",
data: data
return answer
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I keep getting

Warning: Got back no data for instanceId: us-west-1a:i-xxxxxxxx for metric CPUUtilization

Do you know why it could be? Its not the authentication because if I put wrong credentials it reports back about it.

Do I need to do anything to enable cloudwatch? From my AWS console I can see cloudwatch graphs.

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I'm having the same problem as @moonchaser.

His region is wrong though, "us-west-1a" should be "us-west-1", but the results are the same.

Authentication works, sending the request to get the metric also works, but the result is an empty set. There's a request ID in the result:


Any thoughts?

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JorisM commented Feb 5, 2014

I'm running into the same problem. I get back an empty array for datapoints:
{ :datapoints=>[], :label=>"CPUUtilization", :response_metadata =>{ :request_id=>"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"} }

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JorisM commented Feb 5, 2014

I modified line 40 to make it work with the non default region (in my case eu-west-1):

        if not cw
            cw = @clientCache[region] ={
                server: "",
                access_key_id: @access_key_id,
                secret_access_key: @secret_access_key,
                region: region

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s0enke commented Aug 22, 2014

Thanks for the work! I modified the widget/job/lib to work with arbitrary CloudWatch metrics. Check it out at

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SaMnCo commented Aug 22, 2014

For newcomers:
add to Gemfile(and bundle install ) : gem 'aws-sdk'

you need to change the 'jobs/lib_dashing_ec2.rb'(from the gist) under "lib/dashing_ec2.rb"
(assuming you are in your dashboard folder:

mv ./jobs/lib_dashing_ec2.rb ./lib/dashing_ec2.rb

and change the require in the ec2.rb file: require './lib/dashing_ec2'

sed -i.bak 's/dashing-ec2/dashing_ec2/g' jobs/ec2.rb

After this you can start dashing.

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jayemko commented Sep 30, 2014

Adding for newcomers also:
Line 30 has a typo. Change
statName = "Maxmimum"
statName = "Maximum"

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For AWS SDK v2 you need to use Aws:: instead of AWS, and auth tokens come from env vars.

require 'aws-sdk'
require 'time'

class DashingEC2

  def initialize(options)
    @clientCache = {}

  # Get statistics for an instance
  # * `instance_id` is the instance to get data about.
  # * `region` is the name of the region the instance is from (e.g. 'us-east-1'.)  See
  #   [monitoring URIs](
  # * `metric_name` is the metric to get.  See
  #   [the list of build in metrics](
  # * `type` is `:average` or `:maximum`.
  # * `options` are [:start_time, :end_time, :period, :dimensions] as per
  #   `get_metric_statistics()`, although all are optional.  Also:
  #   * `:duration` - If supplied, and no start_time or end_time are supplied, then start_time
  #     and end_time will be computed based on this value in seconds.  Defaults to 6 hours.
  def getInstanceStats(instance_id, region, metric_name, type=:average, options={})
    if type == :average
      statName = "Average"
    elsif type == :maximum
      statName = "Maximum"
    statKey = type

    # Get an API client instance
    cw = @clientCache[region]
    if not cw
      cw = @clientCache[region] =

    # Build a default set of options to pass to get_metric_statistics
    duration = (options[:duration] or (60*60*6)) # Six hours
    start_time = (options[:start_time] or ( - duration))
    end_time = (options[:end_time] or (
    get_metric_statistics_options = {
        namespace: "AWS/EC2",
        metric_name: metric_name,
        statistics: [statName],
        start_time: start_time.utc.iso8601,
        end_time: end_time.utc.iso8601,
        period: (options[:period] or (60 * 5)), # Default to 5 min stats
        dimensions: (options[:dimensions] or [{name: "InstanceId", value: instance_id}])

    # Go get stats
    metrics_list = cw.list_metrics
    result = cw.get_metric_statistics(get_metric_statistics_options)

      if ((not result[:datapoints]) or (result[:datapoints].length == 0))
        # TODO: What kind of errors can I get back?
        puts "\e[33mWarning: Got back no data for instanceId: #{region}:#{instance_id} for metric #{metric_name}\e[0m"
        answer = nil
        # Turn the result into a Rickshaw-style series
        data = []

        result[:datapoints].each do |datapoint|
          point = {
              x: (datapoint[:timestamp].to_i), # time in seconds since epoch
              y: datapoint[statKey]
          data.push point
        data.sort! { |a,b| a[:x] <=> b[:x] }

        answer = {
            name: "#{metric_name} for #{instance_id}",
            data: data
    rescue Aws::CloudWatch::Errors::ServiceError => e
      answer = e

    return answer


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