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Last active February 19, 2021 08:59
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<WizardProvider steps={4}>
  <Container maxWidth="sm">
    <Paper className={classes.paper}>
      <WizardSlotForm />
const WizardSlotForm = () => {
  const { activeStep, next } = useFormWizard()
  return (
      ({activeStep}) Continue
import React, { useState, createContext, useContext, ReactNode, PropsWithChildren } from 'react'
import { Grow } from '@material-ui/core'
import BackButton from 'components/common/BackButton'
type WizardProps = {
steps: number
type WizardContext = {
steps: number
activeStep: number
lastStep: boolean
reset: () => void
prev: () => void
next: () => void
type WizardStepProps = {
index: number
export const WizardStep = ({ index, children }: PropsWithChildren<WizardStepProps>) => {
const { activeStep } = useFormWizard()
const active = activeStep === index
if (!active) {
return null
return (
<Grow in={active} timeout={250}>
export const WizardStepBack = () => {
const { prev, activeStep, lastStep } = useFormWizard()
// We can't go back if we're at the initial screen
if (activeStep === 0) {
return null
// Last step is normally a success message
if (lastStep) {
return null
return <BackButton onClick={() => prev()} />
const DefaultContext = ({ steps }: WizardProps): WizardContext => {
const [activeStep, setActiveStep] = useState(0)
const lastStep = activeStep >= steps
return {
prev: () => {
if (activeStep - 1 >= 0) {
setActiveStep(activeStep - 1)
next: () => {
if (!lastStep) {
setActiveStep(activeStep + 1)
reset: () => {
const WizardContext = createContext<WizardContext>(null as any)
export function WizardProvider({ steps, children }: WizardProps & { children?: ReactNode }) {
const { Provider } = WizardContext
return <Provider value={DefaultContext({ steps })}>{children}</Provider>
export function useFormWizard() {
return useContext(WizardContext)
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