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Last active March 24, 2023 13:16
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Save kadimi/823419cad97dc0eeed9826075b028692 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
For SportsPress - Add a player list on the fly to the current team.
* Add a player list on the fly to the current team.
function () {
* Configuration.
* @var array {
* @type boolean filter_by_league Filter by league.
* @type boolean filter_by_season Filter by season.
* @type boolean filter_by_current_team Filter by current team.
* @type int priority Filter priority. Use 9 or lower to place the additional content above
* any other SportsPress elements.
* }
$config = array(
'filter_by_league' => true,
'filter_by_season' => true,
'filter_by_current_team' => true,
'priority' => 0,
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy sportspress'ing. */
function ( $content ) use ( $config ) {
$object = get_queried_object();
* Exit if this is not a SportsPress team.
if ( 'sp_team' !== $object->post_type ) {
return $content;
* Build the output.
* We use the shortcode `[player_list team=? seasons=? leagues=?]`.
* If `filter_by_current_team` is false, we will filter players and only
* show the ones whose team is the current one.
$id = $object->ID;
$league = $config['filter_by_league'] ? get_option( 'sportspress_league' ) : false;
$season = $config['filter_by_season'] ? get_option( 'sportspress_season' ) : false;
$force_current_teams_cb = $config['filter_by_current_team']
? function ( $args, $team ) {
$args['meta_query'][] = array(
'key' => 'sp_current_team',
'value' => $team,
return $args;
: function ( $args ) {
return $args;
add_filter( 'sportspress_player_list_args', $force_current_teams_cb, 10, 2 );
$additional_content = do_shortcode(
'[player_list team=%d %s %s]',
$season ? "seasons=$season" : '',
$league ? "leagues=$league" : ''
remove_filter( 'sportspress_player_list_args', $force_current_teams_cb, 10, 2 );
* Done
return $content . $additional_content;
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