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Last active December 10, 2015 00:28
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Save kaos/4350985 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
2012/12/21 Alain O'Dea <>: > Brace yourselves for a brain dump :) > Here is a fairly literal transcript of how I did this for my blog. Some scripts will need path changes, etc. to work on your setup.
Create an SSH key:
Create a repository named in Github:
Go to Settings
Click on Deploy Keys
Click on Add Deploy Key
Set Title to "zotonic-sync"
Set Key to the content of /home/zotonic/.ssh/
Create /home/zotonic/ with the following content:
Set up /home/zotonic/ with Git and Github:
cd /home/zotonic/
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin
git config branch.master.remote origin
Create /etc/cron.hourly/sync-zotonic with the following content:
su -l zotonic /home/zotonic/bin/sync
Make /etc/cron.hourly/sync-zotonic executable:
chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/sync-zotonic
Create bin and logs directories:
mkdir /home/zotonic/bin
mkdir /home/zotonic/logs
Create /home/zotonic/bin/sync with the following content:
~/bin/git_sync >> ~/logs/sync 2>&1
Make /home/zotonic/bin/sync executable:
chmod +x /home/zotonic/bin/sync
Create /home/zotonic/bin/git_sync with the following content:
echo "`date`: Started sync" && \
cd ~/ && \
pg_dump zotonic_blog > zotonic_blog.sql && \
git add --all && \
git commit -m "Content snapshot"
git pull origin master && \
git push origin master && \
echo "`date`: Finished sync"
Make /home/zotonic/bin/git_sync executable:
chmod +x /home/zotonic/bin/git_sync
YMMV, but drop me a line if you have trouble :)
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Bear in mind that while my site code is in /home/zotonic/ it is actually in zotonic as a symlink zotonic/priv/sites/blog. As Kunthar pointed out to me on GTalk it is not supported for the site directory to be an FQDN.

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