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Created September 15, 2015 11:47
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Save kasiapryczek/cc64c6e7252a4bc25c4d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
if (5+5==10)
puts "this is true"
puts "this is false"
def choose
puts "Do you like programming? Yes, no or maybe please"
choice = gets.chomp
case choice.downcase
when "yes"
puts "That\'s great!"
when "no"
puts "Too bad..."
when "maybe"
puts "Glad you are giving it a chance!"
puts "I have no idea what that means"
(0..10).each do |n|
p "the new number is #{n}"
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Awesome! But I will go crazy if you don't figure out how to indent by only two spaces per level. :-)

I think your Sublime Text might be set up for indenting by tabs instead of spaces. I can help. ;-) FYI, this is a coding convention with Ruby developers, I'm not making it up!

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I ran the rubocop -a command on your code to auto-fix it:

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