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Last active June 2, 2017 05:44
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  • Save kavunshiva/856bde09fc1137b82a5e9bc5e215ec81 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kavunshiva/856bde09fc1137b82a5e9bc5e215ec81 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
let someBoringPromise = new Promise((winner, loser) => winner())
let anotherBoringPromise = new Promise((winner, loser) => loser())
let someLessBoringPromise = new Promise((winner, loser) => winner(console.log("cat")))
let anotherLessBoringPromise = new Promise((winner, loser) => loser(console.log("dog")))
let someBoringPromiseWithPotential = new Promise((winner, loser) => winner("cat"))
someBoringPromiseWithPotential.then((value) => console.log(`${value}s are cool, i guess`))
someBoringPromiseWithPotential.then((thing) => (thing))
.then((stuff) => {
const otherThing = `${stuff}s${stuff}s${stuff}s`
return otherThing
.then((dog) => (dog.length))
.then((num) => {`${num} cats: so many!`; return num})
.then((whatever) => console.log(`${whatever}. whoa.`))
someBoringPromiseWithPotential.then((thing) => (thing))
.then((stuff) => {
const otherThing = `${stuff}s${stuff}s${stuff}s`
return otherThing
.then((glug) => iSeeGodAndTheUniverseAndEverything)
.then((dog) => (dog.length))
.then((num) => {`${num} cats: so many!`; return num})
.then((whatever) => console.log(`${whatever}. whoa.`))
.catch(() => console.log("oh, uh, whoops"))
let barkingPromise = new Promise((success, failure) => {
setTimeout(() => success(console.log("bark")), 5000)
setTimeout(() => console.log("Promises"), 5000),
setTimeout(() => console.log("are"), 3000),
setTimeout(() => console.log("cool"), 3000)
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("Promises"), 5000)
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("are"), 3000)
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve("cool"), 3000)
]).then((words) => words.forEach((word) => console.log(word)))
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