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Created December 7, 2021 11:46
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time ocrd process --overwrite "tesserocr-segment -P find_tables true -I OCR-D-IMG -O TESS" -g PHYS_0020
12:45:37.784 INFO ocrd.task_sequence.run_tasks - Start processing task 'tesserocr-segment -I OCR-D-IMG -O TESS -p '{"find_tables": true, "dpi": 0, "padding": 4, "shrink_polygons": false, "block_polygons": false, "find_staves": false, "sparse_text": false}''
12:45:38.758 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - INPUT FILE 0 / PHYS_0020
12:45:38.835 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Page 'PHYS_0020' images will use 300 DPI from image meta-data
12:45:38.835 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Processing page 'PHYS_0020'
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'desc': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'rXYZ': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'gXYZ': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'bXYZ': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'wtpt': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'bkpt': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'rTRC': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'gTRC': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'bTRC': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'A2B0': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'A2B2': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'ICC Profile': 'A2B1': ICC profile tag start not a multiple of 4
libpng warning: iCCP: extra compressed data
12:45:40.225 INFO ocrd.workspace.save_image_file - created file ID: TESS_0026.IMG-BIN, file_grp: TESS, path: TESS/TESS_0026.IMG-BIN.png
12:45:40.226 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected region 'region0000': 247,142 265,142 265,469 247,469 (VERT_LINE)
12:45:40.228 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected region 'region0001': 267,572 286,572 286,1060 267,1060 (VERT_LINE)
12:45:40.231 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected region 'region0002': 254,151 283,151 283,1230 254,1230 (VERT_LINE)
12:45:40.248 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected region 'region0003': 0,0 386,0 386,2084 0,2084 (PULLOUT_IMAGE)
12:45:40.249 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected region 'region0004': 536,254 1332,254 1332,283 536,283 (HORZ_LINE)
12:45:40.251 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected region 'region0005': 844,291 1029,291 1029,339 844,339 (FLOWING_TEXT)
12:45:40.252 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0005_line0000': 844,291 1029,291 1029,339 844,339
12:45:40.258 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected region 'region0006': 538,342 1332,342 1332,376 538,376 (HORZ_LINE)
12:45:40.260 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected region 'region0007': 538,361 1330,361 1330,385 538,385 (HORZ_LINE)
12:45:40.291 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected region 'region0008': 522,414 1341,414 1341,1809 522,1809 (FLOWING_TEXT)
12:45:40.292 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0000': 526,414 1335,414 1335,464 526,464
12:45:40.318 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0001': 524,460 1334,460 1334,508 524,508
12:45:40.339 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0002': 525,507 1338,507 1338,555 525,555
12:45:40.358 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0003': 522,553 1339,553 1339,602 522,602
12:45:40.377 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0004': 524,599 1338,599 1338,646 524,646
12:45:40.396 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0005': 523,646 1340,646 1340,692 523,692
12:45:40.415 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0006': 524,693 1341,693 1341,741 524,741
12:45:40.435 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0007': 527,740 1339,740 1339,785 527,785
12:45:40.454 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0008': 527,786 1339,786 1339,832 527,832
12:45:40.472 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0009': 526,832 1339,832 1339,880 526,880
12:45:40.492 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0010': 526,879 1340,879 1340,927 526,927
12:45:40.510 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0011': 526,927 644,927 644,966 526,966
12:45:40.514 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0012': 586,974 1338,974 1338,1020 586,1020
12:45:40.533 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0013': 528,1021 1338,1021 1338,1067 528,1067
12:45:40.553 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0014': 528,1068 1336,1068 1336,1113 528,1113
12:45:40.573 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0015': 526,1113 1336,1113 1336,1160 526,1160
12:45:40.593 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0016': 526,1161 1337,1161 1337,1207 526,1207
12:45:40.612 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0017': 528,1206 1337,1206 1337,1253 528,1253
12:45:40.630 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0018': 527,1253 1337,1253 1337,1301 527,1301
12:45:40.651 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0019': 527,1301 1336,1301 1336,1346 527,1346
12:45:40.671 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0020': 527,1348 1338,1348 1338,1393 527,1393
12:45:40.690 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0021': 529,1392 1337,1392 1337,1441 529,1441
12:45:40.711 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0022': 527,1441 1339,1441 1339,1489 527,1489
12:45:40.731 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0023': 527,1488 1340,1488 1340,1537 527,1537
12:45:40.748 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0024': 530,1534 1336,1534 1336,1581 530,1581
12:45:40.767 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0025': 530,1581 1339,1581 1339,1628 530,1628
12:45:40.786 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0026': 530,1624 1335,1624 1335,1677 530,1677
12:45:40.803 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0027': 528,1674 1339,1674 1339,1720 528,1720
12:45:40.823 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0028': 528,1720 1337,1720 1337,1768 528,1768
12:45:40.841 INFO processor.TesserocrSegment - Detected line 'region0008_line0029': 1231,1767 1338,1767 1338,1809 1231,1809
12:45:40.865 INFO ocrd.process.profile - Executing processor 'ocrd-tesserocr-segment' took 2.404429s (wall) 4.075738s (CPU)( [--input-file-grp='OCR-D-IMG' --output-file-grp='TESS' --parameter='{"find_tables": true, "dpi": 0, "padding": 4, "shrink_polygons": false, "block_polygons": false, "find_staves": false, "sparse_text": false, "overwrite_segments": true, "segmentation_level": "region", "textequiv_level": "none", "overwrite_text": true, "raw_lines": false, "char_whitelist": "", "char_blacklist": "", "char_unblacklist": "", "tesseract_parameters": {}, "xpath_parameters": {}, "xpath_model": {}, "auto_model": false, "oem": "DEFAULT"}' --page-id='PHYS_0020']
12:45:40.865 INFO ocrd.workspace.save_mets - Saving mets '/home/kba/monorepo/ocrd_all/core/repo/assets/data/kant_aufklaerung_1784/data/mets.xml'
12:45:41.009 INFO ocrd.task_sequence.run_tasks - Finished processing task 'tesserocr-segment -I OCR-D-IMG -O TESS -p '{"find_tables": true, "dpi": 0, "padding": 4, "shrink_polygons": false, "block_polygons": false, "find_staves": false, "sparse_text": false}''
12:45:41.010 INFO ocrd.cli.process - Finished
ocrd process --overwrite -g PHYS_0020 5.83s user 2.23s system 171% cpu 4.697 total
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