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the songtress of silence is here in truth
and there’s only one thing that you need to know…f
the songtress of silence is here to say
that there’s something so much more to this life that you say that you deserve to enjoy and thrive in
but you componentize, and compartmentalize, and, you know, just do all the things that you want all the fucking time
it doesn’t make sense! there’s no rhythm and rhyme! there’s all these things you constantly want to do and there’s all these people you want to say but these are all things that you never actually get to…
flow in this rhythm and this time
and this rhyme of things that don’t any cents (not def not dollars).
but there’s something (in you) that makes sense to me
the colors (mother-fucking color)
there’s an order to the rhythm of the rainbow
the tones… of.. the… seven tones of the scales of the diatonic western musical scales
we go up and down with the ratios of the harmonic waves of the mind
certian ratiotic interpoloations //
ratiotic complex interprolations
they… in invoke certian emotional responses
in your heart and your mind and your soul
heckate is here to say that you are not welcome today, unless you purified with your heart and soul
lol j/k it’s pretty easy ;) all you got to do
is just put the work into yourself
the most important thing in any relationship is desire and willingness to change.
the willingness to get to know someone and the willingness to figure out their motivations and intentions
you see,
intentionality is the most important thing
the thing about decisiveness in your reaction to the moment
it’s sort of very declaritive and important
this very masculine aspect which i think is important, but i also want to say
but it’s really important to go in BOTH directions at the same time
…. both directions, at the same time…
A and B are not mutually exclusive
you can go left and right at the same time
because it’s all happening at the same time
you see? si!
so what you do is you go to the left and right and the ups and downs of the eight renound
the pressed past and the future are not happening right at seperate times in the space of time
they’re all happening — in your mind
the flow of time is a construction of the human mind
the brain is an interesting organ, like your liver.
the only real experience is direct experirence.
Do you want some pork for dinner?
it’s a sin, what do you win?
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