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Last active September 13, 2023 19:55
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Descyned Data

A guide to decrypting clipboard pastes

Part 1 - Base62

The rest of this guide will be based off the following string:


note: line-breaks added for legibility

First, the header:

  • The first two characters DS identify this as Desynced data, and can be otherwise ignored
  • The next character, C, identifies this as a behaviour

The remaining characters 8i2aZ... must then be converted to 6-bit numbers:

  • digits 0-9 become 0-9 (0x00 - 0x09 in hex)
  • A-Z becomes 10-35 (0x0a - 0x23)
  • a-z becomes 36-61 (0x24 - 0x3d)

Note that there is no encoding for 0x3d and 0x32 (111110 and 111111 in binary), so we can't simply concatenate this sequence of 6-bit numbers to make a sequence of 8-bit bytes. Base 64 fills in the blanks here with + and /, but we're not using Base64...

Getting the Bytes

Next, we read a single integer from stream of base-62 encoded digits, to do this we apply this formula to each successive 6-bit number n until n ≥ 31 - and then return u

u  = (u  *  31) + (n  %  31)

This specifies the size of the subsequent compressed data, or is 0 if it's uncompressed.

Before further processing, the data must be converted to true 8-bit bytes. The algorithm to do this in Javascript can be found here

todo: link to the scala version as well once published, and give an actual explanation once I fully understand it

This byte steam is then passed through "Deflate" if a compressed length was specified, otherwise it's passed straight to the next stage of processing. Deflate is readily available on almost every language/platform in existence.

The Codec Proper

With Base62 decoding and optional decompression complete, the data is ready to be parsed into a more useable form.

For this, Stage have used a custom derivative of the msgpack format, with some notable exceptions and special handling due to Lua oddities.

Fixed positive and negative numbers, nils, floats, integers, and unsigned integers all follow the msgpack format. Msgpack binary and extension data is unsupported, and arrays and maps use a different representation.

The convention below is to denote hex sequences with the prefix 0x and binary sequences with no prefix

Reused from Msgpack

Listed here for convenience

  • null: 0xc0
  • false: 0xc2
  • true: 0xc3
  • invalid: 0xc4
  • user data: 0xc1 (considered invalid in clipboard strings)
  • float32: 0xca followed by 4 bytes
  • float64: 0xcb folowed by 8 bytes
  • uint8: 0xcc followed by 1 bytes
  • uint16: 0xcd followed by 2 bytes
  • uint32: 0xce followed by 4 bytes
  • uint64: 0xcf followed by 8 bytes
  • int8: 0xd0 followed by 1 bytes
  • int16: 0xd1 followed by 2 bytes
  • int32: 0xd2 followed by 4 bytes
  • int64: 0xd3 followed by 8 bytes
  • fixstring: 101xxxxx followed by a String of xxxxx bytes
  • string8: 0xd9 followed by 1 byte of length then a string of that many bytes
  • string16: 0xda followed by 2 bytes of length then a string of that many bytes
  • string32: 0xdb followed by 4 bytes of length then a string of that many bytes

The u prefix on uint denotes unsigned numbers

Packed Ints

These are used in table representations, and start with the sequence aaaaaaab If b=0 then the 7-bit number aaaaaaa is returned. Otherwise, a second byte cccccccd is read and the low bits are concatenated to give the 14-bit number aaaaaaaccccccc This is repeated until a number is read without the high bit being set.


As an untyped language, Lua makes no distinction between Maps and Arrays (which are just seen as Maps with integer keys). The encoded data format reflects this, with both data types being read in much the same way.

There are three forms of map. A fixed map, a map16, and a map32.

  • fixmap: 1000xxxy
  • map16: 0xde followed by the two-byte sequence xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxy
  • map32: 0xdf then a 4-byte sequence ending with a single y bit

These all denote a map containing 2 ^ xxx explicitly keyed entries, where y is a flag indicating if it also contains array-type entries (with the key being derived from the position). This is followed by:

  • If y = 1 then a packed-int denoting the length of the array portion
  • a packed-int that can be ignored but always seems to be 0x01 [todo: this is due to Lua, need to figure out what it actually is]
  • the array-type entries
  • the map-type entries

This means a fixmap can specify up to (2^7=) 128 entries, a map16 up to 2^65536 entries (which has almost 20 digits), and a map32 serves no rational purpose.

Arrays follow a similar scheme:

  • fixarray: 1001xxxx where the xxxx denotes the true size (not 2^xxx as with maps
  • array16: 0xdc followed by a size byte
  • array32: 0xdd followed by two size bytes

Then followed by the array entries.

Table Entries

Tables entries can be of two types. A map-type entry consists of two pieces of data: first the value, then its key. Either of these can be any of the formats described in this document (with the exception that tables can't be keys). In practice, you'll likely only see strings and unsigned integers for keys. An array-type entry is a single value keyed by position.

For Lua compatibility, you should treat first index of an array as 1, not 0.

A Map-type pair will always be followed by a packed-integer, this can be safely ignored when reading the format [note: yes, more Lua weirdness, need to find and document how this is calculated]

Entries are read (and written, obviously) in blocks of 8, with each such block being preceded by a byte of "vacancy bits". If this was e.g. 00000010 (bit 2 is set) then you skip attempting to read the 2nd entry from the block and proceed straight to the third. You still, however, increment the index for the purpose of keying array-type entries. This mechanism allows you to have a number of map-type entries that isn't an exact power of two.


This is from the string at the start of this page, after stripping the prefix, converting from base62, and inflating. Each byte is shown in decimal, hex, and binary, with square brackets used to denote relevant sub-sequences of bits with a given binary sequence. For brevity, all the bytes within strings are not shown - just the leading one.

Indentation denotes that we're processing entries in a map

133 0x85 [1000][010][1] -> fixed map, size=2^2=4 +array
    016 0x10 [0001000][0] -> array size 8
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> padding packed-int = 1
    000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
    --- numbered entry 1 / 8
    128 0x80 [1000][000][0] -> fixed map, size=2^0=1
        --- numbered entry 1 / 1
        002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> padding packed-int = 1
        000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
        170 0xaa [101][01010] -> fixed string "disconnect"
        162 0xa2 [101][00010] -> fixed string "op"
        000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0
    --- numbered entry 2 / 8
    129 0x81 [1000][000][1] -> fixed map, size=2^0=1 +array
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> array size = 1
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> padding packed-int = 1
    000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
        --- numbered entry 1 / 1
        001 0x01 [0][0000001] -> +ve int = 1
        --- named entry 1 / 1
        166 0xa6 [101][00110] -> fixed string "domove"
        162 0xa2 [101][00010] -> fixed string "op"
        000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0
    --- numbered entry 3 / 8 
    129 0x81 [1000][000][1] --> fixed map, size=2^0=1 +array
    004 0x04 [0000010][0] -> array size = 2
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> padding packed-int = 1
    000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
        --- numbered 1 / 2
        001 0x01 [0][0000001] -> +ve int = 1
        --- numbered 2 / 2
        194 0xc2 [11000010] -> false
        --- named entry 1 / 1
        168 0xa8 [101][01000] -> fixed string "dopickup"
        162 0xa2 [101][00010] -> fixed string "op"
        000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0
    --- numbered entry 4 / 8  
    129 0x81 [1000][000][1] -> fixed map, size=2^0=1 +array
    004 0x04 [0000010][0] -> array size = 2
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> padding packed-int = 1
    000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
        --- numbered entry 1 / 2
        161 0xa1 [101][00001] -> fixed string "A"
        --- numbered entry 2 / 2
        001 0x01 [00000001] -> +ve int = 1
        --- named entry 1 / 1
        178 0xb2 [101][10010] -> fixed string "get_inventory_item"
        162 0xa2 [101][00010] -> fixed string "op"
        000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0
    --- numbered entry 5 / 8  
    132 0x84 [1000][010][0] -> fixed map, size=2^2=4
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> padding packed-int = 1
    001 0x01 [00000001] -> vacancy bits
        --- named entry 1 / 4 
        --- named entry 2 / 4 
        174 0xae [101][01110] -> fixed string "checkfreespace"
        162 0xa2 [101][00010] -> fixed string "op"
        008 0x08 [0000100][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 4
        --- named entry 3 / 4 
        194 0xc2 [11000010] -> false
        164 0xa4 [101][00100] -> fixed string "next"
        006 0x06 [0000011][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 3
        --- named entry 4 / 4 
        161 0xa1 [101][00001] -> fixed string "A"
        002 0x02 [0][0000010] -> +ve int = 2
        000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0
    --- numbered entry 6 / 8     
    129 0x81 [1000][000][1] -> fixed map, size=2^0=1 +array
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> array size = 1
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> padding packed-int = 1
    000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
        --- numbered entry 1 / 1
        002 0x02 [0][0000010] -> +ve int = 2
        --- named entry 1 / 1 
        166 0xa6 [101][00110] -> fixed string "domove"
        162 0xa2 [101][00010] -> fixed string "op"
        000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0
    --- numbered entry 7 / 8     
    129 0x81 [1000][000][1] -> fixed map, size=2^0=1 +array
    004 0x04 [0000010][0] -> array size = 2
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> padding packed-int = 1
    000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
        --- numbered entry 1 / 2
        002 0x02 [0][0000010] -> +ve int = 2
        --- numbered entry 2 / 2
        194 0xc2 [11000010] -> false
        --- named entry 1 / 2
        166 0xa6 [101][00110] -> fixed string "dodrop"
        162 0xa2 [101][00010] -> fixed string "op"
        000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0
    --- numbered entry 8 / 8     
    131 0x83 [1000][001][1]  -> fixed map, size=2^1=2 +array
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> array size = 1
    002 0x02 [0000001][0] -> padding packed-int = 1
    000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
        --- numbered entry 1 / 1
        161 0xa1 [101][00001] -> fixed string "B"
        --- named entry 1 / 2
        178 0xb2 [101][10010] -> fixed string "get_inventory_item"
        162 0xa2 [101][00010] -> fixed string "op"
        004 0x04 [0000010][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 2
        --- named entry 2 / 2
        006 0x06 [0][0000110] -> +ve int = 6
        164 0xa4 [101][00100] -> fixed string "next"
        000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0
    001 0x01 [00000001] -> vacancy bits
    --- named entry 1 / 4     
    --- named entry 2 / 4     
    146 0x92 [1001][0010] -> fixed array size=2
    000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
        --- numbered entry 1 / 2
        164 0xa4 [101][00100] -> fixed string "Mine"
        --- numbered entry 2 / 2
        167 0xa7 [101][00111] -> fixed string "Storage"
    166 0xa6 [101][00110] -> fixed string "pnames"
    000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0
    --- named entry 3 / 4     
    146 0x92 [1001][0010] -> fixed array size=2
    000 0x00 [00000000] -> vacancy bits
        --- numbered entry 1 / 2
        194 0xc2 [11000010] -> false
        --- numbered entry 2 / 2
        194 0xc2 [11000010] -> false
    170 0xaa [101][01010] -> fixed string "parameters"
    006 0x06 [0000011][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 3
    --- named entry 4 / 4     
    85 0xb9 [101][11001] -> fixed string "Transport only full/empty"
    164 0xa4 [101][00100] -> fixed string "name"
    000 0x00 [0000000][0] -> packed int / lua hack = 0

In json, this can be represented as:

	"1": { "op": "disconnect" },
	"2": { "1": 1, "op": "domove" },
	"3": { "1": 1, "2": false, "op": "dopickup" },
	"4": { "1": "A", "2": 1, "op": "get_inventory_item" },
	"5": { "2": "A", "op": "checkfreespace", "next": false },
	"6": { "1": 2, "op": "domove" },
	"7": { "1": 2, "2": false, "op": "dodrop" },
	"8": { "1": "B", "op": "get_inventory_item", "next": 6 },
	"pnames": ["Mine", "Storage"],
	"parameters": [false, false],
	"name": "Transport only full/empty"

Note that the array indexing is 1-based, reflecting how this is represented in Lua

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