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Created February 11, 2020 13:53
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google/facebook/apple login
import axios from 'axios'
import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'
import NodeRSA from 'node-rsa'
const clientID = process.env.APPLE_CLIENT_ID
const ENDPOINT_URL = ''
const TOKEN_ISSUER = ''
async function getApplePublicKey (): Promise<any> {
const url = `${ENDPOINT_URL}/auth/keys`
const data = await axios.get(url).then(res =>
const key = data.keys[0]
const pubKey = new NodeRSA()
pubKey.importKey({ n: Buffer.from(key.n, 'base64'), e: Buffer.from(key.e, 'base64') }, 'components-public')
return pubKey.exportKey(['public'])
export const verifyAppleToken = async (idToken: string): Promise<any> => {
const applePublicKey = await getApplePublicKey()
const jwtClaims: any = jwt.verify(idToken, applePublicKey, { algorithms: ['RS256'] })
if (jwtClaims.iss !== TOKEN_ISSUER) {
throw new Error(
'id token not issued by correct OpenID provider - expected: ' + TOKEN_ISSUER + ' | from: ' + jwtClaims.iss
if (clientID !== undefined && jwtClaims.aud !== clientID) {
throw new Error('aud parameter does not include this client - is: ' + jwtClaims.aud + '| expected: ' + clientID)
if (jwtClaims.exp < / 1000) throw new Error('id token has expired')
return jwtClaims
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs'
import { OvsToken } from '../interfaces/OvsToken'
const saltRounds = 10
export function signToken ({ _id }, { expiresIn = '10d' } = { expiresIn: '10d' }): string {
return jwt.sign({ _id, createdAt: }, process.env.AUTH_SECRET, { expiresIn })
export function verifyToken (token: string): Promise<OvsToken> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
jwt.verify(token, process.env.AUTH_SECRET, function (err, decoded) {
if (err) reject(err)
resolve(decoded as OvsToken)
export function decodeToken (token: string): string | { [key: string]: any } {
return jwt.decode(token, {
json: true
export async function hashPassword (password: string): Promise<string> {
const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(saltRounds)
return bcrypt.hash(password, salt)
export function comparePassword (password: string, hash: string): Promise<boolean> {
return, hash)
export function validateAuthHeader (authHeader: string): Promise<OvsToken> {
if (!authHeader) {
throw new Error('No auth header was sent')
const parts = authHeader.split(' ')
if (parts.length !== 2) {
throw new Error('Authentication header is invalid, did you forget the Bearer prefix?')
if (parts[0] === 'Bearer') {
const token = parts[1]
return verifyToken(token)
throw new Error('Unknown auth scheme, please send your header as Bearer <token>')
import axios from 'axios'
const clientId = process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID
const clientSecret = process.env.FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET
export async function verifyFacebookToken (userId: string, userToken: string): Promise<any> {
// copy clientId, clientSecret from MY APP Page
// From appLink, retrieve the second accessToken: app access_token
const data = await axios
.then(res =>
const appToken = data.access_token
const tokenData = await Promise.all([
.then(res =>,
.then(res =>
return tokenData
import { OAuth2Client } from 'google-auth-library'
// const androidClientId = process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_ANDROID
// const iosClientId = process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID_IOS
const googleClientId = process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
export async function verifyGoogleToken (token: string): Promise<any> {
const client = new OAuth2Client(googleClientId)
const ticket = await client.verifyIdToken({
idToken: token,
audience: googleClientId // Specify the CLIENT_ID of the app that accesses the backend
// Or, if multiple clients access the backend:
const payload = ticket.getPayload()
return payload
import { AuthenticationError, ValidationError } from 'apollo-server-lambda'
import { comparePassword, signToken, hashPassword } from '../../helpers/authentication'
import { verifyAppleToken } from '../../helpers/apple-login-helpers'
import { verifyFacebookToken } from '../../helpers/facebook-login-helpers'
import { verifyGoogleToken } from '../../helpers/google-login-helpers'
import { IUser, LoggedInUser } from '../../interfaces/User'
import { Query } from 'mongoose'
import { OvsContext } from '../../interfaces/OvsContext'
import { getMongooseSelectionFromSelectedFields } from '../../helpers/get-mongoose-selection-from-selected-fields'
function verifyExternalToken (provider, id, token): Promise<any> {
const providerVerificationMap = {
FACEBOOK: (): Promise<any> => {
return verifyFacebookToken(id, token)
GOOGLE: (): Promise<any> => {
return verifyGoogleToken(token)
APPLE: (): Promise<any> => {
return verifyAppleToken(token)
return providerVerificationMap[provider]()
export const getCurrentUser = (_parentObj, _args, { user, mongooseConnection, err }: OvsContext, info): Query<IUser> => {
if (!user) {
throw new AuthenticationError(err.message)
} else {
const mongooseSelection = getMongooseSelectionFromSelectedFields(info)
return mongooseConnection
export async function login (_parentObj, args, { user, mongooseConnection }: OvsContext): Promise<LoggedInUser> {
if (user) {
throw new ValidationError('User is already logged in')
const { email, password } = args.input
const User = mongooseConnection.model('User')
const existingUser: IUser = await User.findOne({ email }).lean()
if (!existingUser) {
throw new ValidationError('No user found with the given email')
const isPasswordCorrect = await comparePassword(password, existingUser.password)
const jwtToken = signToken(existingUser)
if (isPasswordCorrect) {
return { ...existingUser, jwtToken }
} else {
throw new ValidationError('Incorrect password')
export async function externalLogin (_parentObj, args, { user, mongooseConnection }: OvsContext, info): Promise<LoggedInUser & {isSignup: boolean}> {
if (user) {
throw new ValidationError('User is already logged in')
let isSignup
const { email, id, token, provider, firstName, lastName } = args.input
const mongooseSelection = getMongooseSelectionFromSelectedFields(info)
const User = mongooseConnection.model('User')
const providerKey = `${provider.toLowerCase()}Provider`
console.log({ input: args.input })
const tokenData = await verifyExternalToken(provider, id, token).catch(err => {
console.error(err.response && ? : err)
throw new ValidationError(err.response && ? : err.message)
console.log({ tokenData })
const query = email ? { $or: [{ email }, { [`${providerKey}.id`]: id }] } : { [`${providerKey}.id`]: id }
let existingUser: IUser = await User.findOne(query).select(mongooseSelection).lean()
if (!existingUser) {
console.log('user doesnt exist, registering user')
isSignup = true
existingUser = await new User({
email: email ||,
[providerKey]: {
password: await hashPassword('' + Math.random())
}).save().then(doc => doc.toObject())
} else {
isSignup = false
existingUser = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
[providerKey]: {
console.log('user already exists, signing in', existingUser)
const jwtToken = signToken(existingUser)
return { ...existingUser, jwtToken, isSignup }
export async function register (_parentObj, args, { user, mongooseConnection }): Promise<LoggedInUser> {
const { email, password, firstName, lastName } = args.input
if (user) {
throw new ValidationError('User is already logged in')
const User = mongooseConnection.model('User')
const existingUser = await User.findOne({ email }).lean()
if (existingUser) {
throw new ValidationError("There's already a user registered with the given email")
const hashedPassword = await hashPassword(password)
const newUser = await User.create({
password: hashedPassword,
const leanUser = newUser.toObject()
const jwtToken = signToken(leanUser)
return { ...leanUser, jwtToken }
import { OvsContext } from '../../interfaces/OvsContext'
import { AuthenticationError, ValidationError } from 'apollo-server-lambda'
import { getMongooseSelectionFromSelectedFields } from '../../helpers/get-mongoose-selection-from-selected-fields'
import { hashPassword } from '../../helpers/authentication'
import { IUser } from '../../interfaces/User'
export async function updateUser (_parent, args, context: OvsContext, info): Promise<IUser> {
const { err, mongooseConnection, user } = context
const UserModel = mongooseConnection.model('User')
if (!user) {
throw new AuthenticationError(err.message)
const {
} = args.input
const mongooseSelection = getMongooseSelectionFromSelectedFields(info)
const updateBody = { }
if (password && passwordConfirmation) {
if (password !== passwordConfirmation) {
throw new ValidationError('passwords don\'t match')
} else {
const hashedPassword = await hashPassword(password)
updateBody.password = hashedPassword
if (updateBody.pushToken && updateBody.pushToken !== user.pushToken) {
await UserModel.findOneAndUpdate({ pushToken: user.pushToken }, { pushToken: null }).select({ _id: 1 }).lean()
return UserModel.findByIdAndUpdate(user._id, updateBody, { new: true }).select(mongooseSelection).lean()
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