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Last active March 8, 2021 12:54
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  • Save kibablu/6481d8cb150ab58ff9454661c2127cba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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You must complete a series of tasks within the allocated time period. Instead of following step-by-step instructions, you'll be given a scenario and a set of tasks - you figure out how to complete it on your own! An automated scoring system (shown on this page) will provide feedback on whether you have completed your tasks correctly. To score 10…
gcloud config set project \
$(gcloud projects list --format='value(PROJECT_ID)' \
gcloud config set run/region us-central1
gcloud config set run/platform managed
git clone && cd pet-theory/lab07
#Task 1: Enable a Public Service
# change directory to api-billing
cd unit-api-billing
# building an image then stores it in container registry
gcloud builds submit \
# building cloud run and specify our image in container registry
gcloud beta run deploy public-billing-service \
--image$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/billing-staging-api:0.1 \
--platform managed \
--region us-central1 \
#Task 2: Deploy a Frontend Service
# change directory to staging-frontend-billing
cd .. && cd staging-frontend-billing
# building an image then stores it in container registry
gcloud builds submit \
# building cloud run and specify our image in container registry
gcloud beta run deploy frontend-staging-service \
--image$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/frontend-staging:0.1 \
--platform managed \
--region us-central1 \
# Delete the existing Billing Service on Cloud Run
gcloud beta run services delete public-billing-service
#Task 3: Deploy a Private Service
# change directory to staging-frontend-billing
cd .. && cd staging-api-billing
# building an image then stores it in container registry
gcloud builds submit \
# building cloud run and specify our image in container registry with authenticated endpoint
gcloud beta run deploy private-billing-service \
--image$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/billing-staging-api:0.2 \
--platform managed \
--region us-central1 \
# Assign the SERVICE_URL to a environment variable
BILLING_URL=$(gcloud run services describe private-billing-service \
--platform managed \
--region us-central1 \
--format "value(status.url)")
# Service should respond when the endpoint is accessed
curl -X get -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" $BILLING_URL
#Task 4: Create a Billing Service Account
# create a Service Account for the Billing Service
gcloud iam service-accounts create billing-service-sa --display-name "Billing Service Cloud Run"
# Task 5: Deploy the Billing Service
# change directory to staging-frontend-billing
cd .. && cd prod-api-billing
# building an image then stores it in container registry
gcloud builds submit \
# building cloud run and specify our image in container registry with authenticated endpoint
gcloud beta run deploy billing-prod-service \
--image$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/billing-prod-api:0.1 \
--platform managed \
--region us-central1 \
# add-iam-policy-binding - add IAM policy binding to a Cloud Run service
gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding billing-prod-service \
--member=serviceAccount:billing-service-sa@$ \
# Add an environment variable
# Get the URL of the Billing Service
PROD_BILLING_URL=$(gcloud run services describe $PROD_BILLING_SERVICE \
--platform managed \
--region us-central1 \
--format "value(status.url)")
# Access the deployed endpoint
curl -X get -H "Authorization: Bearer \
$(gcloud auth print-identity-token)" \
# Task 6: Frontend Service Account
# create a Service Account for the Billing Service
gcloud iam service-accounts create frontend-service-sa --display-name "Billing Service Cloud Run Invoker"
# Task 7: Redeploy the Frontend Service
# change directory to staging-frontend-billing
cd .. && cd prod-frontend-billing
# building an image then stores it in container registry
gcloud builds submit \
# building cloud run and specify our image in container registry with authenticated endpoint
gcloud beta run deploy frontend-prod-service \
--image$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/frontend-prod:0.1 \
--platform managed \
--region us-central1 \
# add-iam-policy-binding - add IAM policy binding to a Cloud Run service
gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding frontend-prod-service \
--member=serviceAccount:frontend-service-sa@$ \
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