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Created April 17, 2020 13:27
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import { readFileStr, writeFileStr } from ''
const ext = `.${Deno.args[0] || 'txt'}`.replace(/^\.\.+/, '.')
const filenames = (await Deno.readdir('.'))
.map(file =>
.filter(name => name.endsWith(ext))
.filter(name => !name.endsWith(`-replaced${ext}`))
const work = name => {
const text = await readFileStr(name)
const replaced = text.replace(/\n\d+,\n\d+,/g, '')
const count = (text.match(/\n\d+,\n\d+,/g)||[]).length
if (text === replaced) return
const newName = `${name.slice(0, ext.length)}-replaced${ext}`
await writeFileStr(newName, replaced)
return { name, newName, count }
const result = (await Promise.all(work))
const totalOccurences = result
.reduce((total, {count}) => total + count, 0)
console.log(totalOccurences, 'occurences replaced in', result.length, 'files.')
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