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Created January 11, 2020 09:20
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Useful aliases. Include in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc. Replace angle brackets with your values
## android general build aliases
alias installDebug='adb install -r app/outputs/apk/<your_build_variant_dir>'
alias runDebug='adb shell am start -n <application_id>/<launch_activity>'
alias build='./gradlew assmeble<YourVariant> && installDebug && runDebug'
alias cleanBuild='./gradlew clean assmeble<YourVariant> && installDebug && runDebug'
## Mainframer aliases
alias mf='./'
alias mfBuild='./ ./gradlew assmeble<YourVariant> && installDebug && runDebug'
alias mfCleanBuild='./ ./gradlew clean assmeble<YourVariant> && installDebug && runDebug'
alias mfTest='./ ./gradlew <your_gradle_task_for_tests>'
alias mfSA='./ ./gradlew <your_gradle_task_for_static_analysis>'
alias speedUp='echo -e “build\n!app/build/outputs”>> .mainframer/remoteignore'
alias slowDown='git checkout .mainframer/remoteignore' ## discard changes
alias mfSpeedupBuild='speedUp && ./ ./gradlew assembleDebug && installDebug && runDebug && slowDown && ./'
## Mirakle aliases
alias mirakleOff='mv ~/.gradle/init.d/mirakle_init.gradle ~/.gradle/init.d/mirakle_init.gradle.conf'
alias mirakleOn='mv ~/.gradle/init.d/mirakle_init.gradle.conf ~/.gradle/init.d/mirakle_init.gradle'
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