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Last active March 1, 2024 06:28
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  • Save kingRayhan/4871fd63049d5c25a7526984154c9b43 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Duration Date Pulse Maxpulse Calories
60 '2020/12/01' 110 130 409.1
60 '2020/12/02' 117 145 479.0
60 '2020/12/03' 103 135 340.0
45 '2020/12/04' 109 175 282.4
45 '2020/12/05' 117 148 406.0
60 '2020/12/06' 102 127 300.0
60 '2020/12/07' 110 136 374.0
450 '2020/12/08' 104 134 253.3
30 '2020/12/09' 109 133 195.1
60 '2020/12/10' 98 124 269.0
60 '2020/12/11' 103 147 329.3
60 '2020/12/12' 100 120 250.7
60 '2020/12/12' 100 120 250.7
60 '2020/12/13' 106 128 345.3
60 '2020/12/14' 104 132 379.3
60 '2020/12/15' 98 123 275.0
60 '2020/12/16' 98 120 215.2
60 '2020/12/17' 100 120 300.0
45 '2020/12/18' 90 112
60 '2020/12/19' 103 123 323.0
45 '2020/12/20' 97 125 243.0
60 '2020/12/21' 108 131 364.2
45 100 119 282.0
60 '2020/12/23' 130 101 300.0
45 '2020/12/24' 105 132 246.0
60 '2020/12/25' 102 126 334.5
60 20201226 100 120 250.0
60 '2020/12/27' 92 118 241.0
60 '2020/12/28' 103 132
60 '2020/12/29' 100 132 280.0
60 '2020/12/30' 102 129 380.3
60 '2020/12/31' 92 115
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