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Created May 6, 2018 21:59
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ubuntu@ip-172-31-91-46:~$ cat bifrost.sql
CREATE TYPE chain AS ENUM ('bitcoin', 'ethereum');
CREATE TABLE address_association (
chain chain NOT NULL,
address_index bigint NOT NULL,
/* bitcoin 34 characters */
/* ethereum 42 characters */
address varchar(42) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
stellar_public_key varchar(56) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
created_at timestamp NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (chain, address_index, address, stellar_public_key),
CONSTRAINT valid_address_index CHECK (address_index >= 0)
CREATE TABLE key_value_store (
key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
value varchar(255) NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO key_value_store (key, value) VALUES ('ethereum_address_index', '0');
INSERT INTO key_value_store (key, value) VALUES ('ethereum_last_block', '0');
INSERT INTO key_value_store (key, value) VALUES ('bitcoin_address_index', '0');
INSERT INTO key_value_store (key, value) VALUES ('bitcoin_last_block', '0');
CREATE TABLE processed_transaction (
chain chain NOT NULL,
/* Ethereum: "0x"+hash (so 64+2) */
transaction_id varchar(66) NOT NULL,
/* bitcoin 34 characters */
/* ethereum 42 characters */
receiving_address varchar(42) NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (chain, transaction_id)
/* If using DB storage for the queue not AWS FIFO */
CREATE TABLE transactions_queue (
id bigserial,
/* Ethereum: "0x"+hash (so 64+2) */
transaction_id varchar(66) NOT NULL,
asset_code varchar(3) NOT NULL,
/* Amount in the base unit of currency (BTC or ETH). */
/* ethereum: 100000000 in year 2128 + 7 decimal precision in Stellar + dot */
/* bitcoin: 21000000 + 7 decimal precision in Stellar + dot */
amount varchar(20) NOT NULL,
stellar_public_key varchar(56) NOT NULL,
pooled boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
UNIQUE (transaction_id, asset_code),
CONSTRAINT valid_asset_code CHECK (char_length(asset_code) = 3),
CONSTRAINT valid_stellar_public_key CHECK (char_length(stellar_public_key) = 56)
CREATE TYPE event AS ENUM ('transaction_received', 'account_created', 'account_credited');
CREATE TABLE broadcasted_event (
id bigserial,
/* bitcoin 34 characters */
/* ethereum 42 characters */
address varchar(42) NOT NULL,
event event NOT NULL,
data varchar(255) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE (address, event)
CREATE TABLE recovery_transaction (
source varchar(56) NOT NULL,
envelope_xdr text NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX source_index ON recovery_transaction (source);
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