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Last active June 20, 2023 16:00
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  • Save kingbuzzman/be4f4f2cb72269e4f4334ec225b9384a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kingbuzzman/be4f4f2cb72269e4f4334ec225b9384a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Steps to running behave-django quickly to make a PR.
# 1. Fork behave-django on github:
# 2. Make sure that you've setup your ssh keys for github:
# IMPORTANT: *** Please ignore if you've already done it ***
# 3. Copy and paste this directly into your terminal:
mkdir -p $(pwd)/behave-django
docker run -v ${pwd}/behave-django:/behave-django -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v ~/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig -it --rm python:3.9 bash -c "$(cat << 'EOF'
# update the machine
apt-get update && \
# install dependencies
apt-get install -y libmemcached-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev build-essential vim && \
# clone the repo if it doesnt exist
(if [ ! -d /behave-django/behave_django ]; then
# dont be afaid of this, this just gets your github username and adds it into the clone url
# this is here so there is no placeholder "<insert your username here>/behave-django.git"
# and anyone can just copy and paste it. also behave-django is large so we only get the last 50 commits to try and keep the size down.
git clone --depth 50`ssh -T 2>&1 | cut -d " " -f 2 | rev | cut -c 2- | rev`/behave-django.git
fi) && \
# go into the behave-django code
cd behave-django && \
# add the remote "upstream" if it doesnt exist
(if ! git config remote.upstream.url > /dev/null; then
git remote add upstream
fi) && \
install behave-django
pip install -e . && \
pip install tox && \
# make a new line and add instructions for the user to follow
echo && \
echo "Run: 'tox' for tests" && \
echo "Run: 'tox -l' for test names" && \
echo "Run: 'tox -e <test name>' to run individual test" && \
# give the user the prompt so they chose what they really want to do
exec bash
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