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Created February 2, 2011 16:50
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template<class T> struct NullFunctor { boolean operator()(const std::vector<T>& perm) { return FALSE; } };
//! Iterator to generate all permutations of a list. A functor can be specified for fast culling of entire subtrees of undesired permutations.
* The permuations are in lexicographic order. ie. {1,2,3} , {1,3,2} , {2,1,3} , {2,3,1} , {3,1,2} , {3,2,1}
* The current permutation list can be accessed with the dereference/pointer operators.
* If a functor is provided then undesired subtrees can be culled. The functor must provide this function:
* boolean operator()(const std::vector<T>& perm)
* When an iter is stepped (++), its functor will be called before traversing each permutation subtree.
* For example, 'perm' will first contain {1}, if the functor returns true then the next test is {1,2}, then finally {1,2,3}.
* When the functor returns true for a full permutation (ex. {1,2,3}), then the iter step is complete.
* Copies of the iter share its permutation state, so a change to one iter affects all others.
* Note: RefObj and RefPtr is a non-intrusive smart pointer implementation, code not provided here.
* GammaFunc::Factorial is just the N! factorial function, code not provided here.
* The core algorithm and even the iterator can work without the missing classes/functions (just remove all references to them)
* The algorithm is "Lexicographic Permutations with Restricted Prefixes" from Dr. Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming", Vol 4, Section
template<class T, class Functor = NullFunctor<T>>
class PermuteIter
struct State : public RefObj
State(const std::vector<T>& list) : list(list), bFunc(FALSE), iCount(0), iCountMax(0), k(-1), n(0) {}
State(const std::vector<T>& list, Functor func) : list(list), bFunc(TRUE), func(func), iCount(0), iCountMax(0), k(-1), n(0) {}
const std::vector<T>& list;
boolean bFunc;
Functor func;
std::vector<T> perm;
int64 iCount;
int64 iCountMax;
std::vector<int32> a;
std::vector<int32> l;
std::vector<int32> u;
int32 p;
int32 q;
int32 k;
int32 n;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef const std::vector<T> value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef const std::vector<T>* pointer;
typedef const std::vector<T>& reference;
PermuteIter() {}
PermuteIter(RefPtr<State> pState);
PermuteIter(const PermuteIter& it) { operator=(it); }
PermuteIter& operator++();
PermuteIter& operator+=(int32 rhs) { for (int32 i = 0; i < rhs; ++i) ++*this; return *this; }
bool operator==(const PermuteIter& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const PermuteIter& rhs) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
//! Get current permutation list
std::vector<T>& operator*() const { return m_ps->perm; }
std::vector<T>* operator->() const { return &m_ps->perm; }
//! Get current permutation number. Every perm has a unique associated number: the first perm is 1, the last perm is GetCountMax()
int64 GetCount() const { return m_ps->iCount; }
//! Get total number of permutations for this list
int64 GetCountMax() const { return m_ps->iCountMax; }
boolean IsEnd() const { return m_ps == NULL; }
RefPtr<State> m_ps;
template<class T, class Functor>
PermuteIter<T,Functor>::PermuteIter(RefPtr<State> pState) : m_ps(pState)
if (IsEnd() || m_ps->list.size() == 0)
m_ps->n = m_ps->list.size();
m_ps->iCountMax = GammaFuncT<Double>::Factorial(m_ps->n);
m_ps->iCount = 0;
m_ps->a.resize(m_ps->n+1, -1);
m_ps->l.resize(m_ps->n+1, -1);
m_ps->u.resize(m_ps->n+1, -1);
for (int32 i = 0; i < m_ps->n; ++i)
m_ps->l[i] = i+1;
m_ps->l[m_ps->n] = 0;
m_ps->k = 1;
//Init level k
m_ps->p = 0;
m_ps->q = m_ps->l[0];
template<class T, class Functor>
PermuteIter<T,Functor>& PermuteIter<T,Functor>::operator++()
if (m_ps->k <= 0)
if (m_ps->k == 0)
--m_ps->k; //Put iterator into end state
return *this;
//Call functor to test for level k culling
boolean bVisit = FALSE;
boolean bFunc = TRUE;
m_ps->a[m_ps->k] = m_ps->q;
//Only call functor if we're using one, otherwise assume it returned true
if (m_ps->bFunc)
//Build permutation up to level k
for (int32 i = 1; i <= m_ps->k; ++i)
//Call functor for cull test
bFunc = m_ps->func(const_cast<const std::vector<T>&>(m_ps->perm));
if (bFunc && m_ps->k < m_ps->n)
//Functor true, not full permutation. Advance and init level k
m_ps->u[m_ps->k] = m_ps->p;
m_ps->l[m_ps->p] = m_ps->l[m_ps->q];
m_ps->p = 0;
m_ps->q = m_ps->l[0];
else if (bFunc)
//Functor true, full permutation. Visit
bVisit = TRUE;
//If we're using a functor then the full permutation has already been built and is ready for visiting
if (!m_ps->bFunc)
for (int32 i = 1; i <= m_ps->k; ++i)
//Functor false, skip subtree. Increase a[k]
m_ps->p = m_ps->q;
m_ps->q = m_ps->l[m_ps->p];
m_ps->iCount = m_ps->iCount + GammaFuncT<Double>::Factorial(m_ps->n - m_ps->k);
if (m_ps->q != 0)
while (1)
//Fallback levels. Decrease k
if (m_ps->k <= 0)
return *this;
m_ps->p = m_ps->u[m_ps->k];
m_ps->q = m_ps->a[m_ps->k];
m_ps->l[m_ps->p] = m_ps->q;
//Increase a[k]
m_ps->p = m_ps->q;
m_ps->q = m_ps->l[m_ps->p];
if (m_ps->q != 0)
if (bVisit)
return *this;
template<class T, class Functor>
bool PermuteIter<T,Functor>::operator==(const PermuteIter& rhs) const
if (!IsEnd() && !rhs.IsEnd())
return m_ps == rhs.m_ps;
if (IsEnd() && rhs.IsEnd())
return TRUE;
//Comparing to end, check if done
const PermuteIter& it = IsEnd() ? rhs : *this;
return it.m_ps->k < 0;
//! Get permutation begin iterator
template<class T, class Functor>
PermuteIter<T, Functor> PermuteBegin(const std::vector<T>& list, Functor func) { return PermuteIter<T,Functor>(new PermuteIter<T,Functor>::State(list, func)); }
//! Get permutation begin iterator without culling functor
template<class T>
PermuteIter<T> PermuteBegin(const std::vector<T>& list) { return PermuteIter<T>(new PermuteIter<T>::State(list)); }
//! Provides an end condition so iteration stops when all permutations have been generated.
template<class T, class Functor>
PermuteIter<T, Functor> PermuteEnd(const std::vector<T>& list, Functor func) { return PermuteIter<T,Functor>(NULL); }
//! Get permutation end iterator without culling functor
template<class T>
PermuteIter<T> PermuteEnd(const std::vector<T>& list) { return PermuteIter<T>(NULL); }
//Here's a usage example without culling functor:
std::vector<Real> list;
for (PermuteIter<Real> it = PermuteBegin(list); it != PermuteEnd(list); ++it)
Debug::Print("Perm: ");
for (int32 i = 0; i < UTOS(it->size()); ++i)
Debug::Print(StringStream() << it->at(i) << " ");
Debug::Print(StringStream() << " ; Cnt: " << it.GetCount() << "\n");
//Here's a usage example with culling functor:
struct Functor
boolean operator()(const std::vector<Real>& perm)
if (perm.size() == 2 && perm[0] == 1 && perm[1] == 4)
return FALSE;
if (perm.size() == 2 && perm[0] == 2 && perm[1] == 3)
return FALSE;
if (perm.size() == 3 && perm[0] == 2 && perm[1] == 4 && perm[2] == 3)
return FALSE;
if (perm.size() == 3 && perm[0] == 4 && perm[1] == 3 && perm[2] == 1)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
for (PermuteIter<Real, Functor> it = PermuteBegin(list, Functor()); it != PermuteEnd(list, Functor()); ++it)
Debug::Print("Perm: ");
for (int32 i = 0; i < UTOS(it->size()); ++i)
Debug::Print(StringStream() << it->at(i) << " ");
Debug::Print(StringStream() << " ; Cnt: " << it.GetCount() << "\n");
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