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Last active September 14, 2015 13:59
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Pandoc 1.15 on Heroku Cedar 14. regular lines are console commands. // lines are comments, just read those :)
// create a digital ocean ubuntu 14.04 droplet (matches heroku ubuntu version)
// pick the 2GB (or more) RAM option or cabal update will fail
// ssh into it:
ssh root@<ip_address>
// enter root password
// prompted to change password, follow instructions
// update
apt-get update
// install haskell stuff
apt-get install haskell-platform
// update haskell stuff
cabal update
// library pandoc needs to make a standalone binary
cabal install hsb2hs
// next line is so that hsb2hs gets picked up properly
export PATH=$PATH:/root/.cabal/bin
// make the pandoc standalone binary
cabal install pandoc --flags="embed_data_files" pandoc
// vendor binaries go in the bin folder on heroku, so set up the archive properly
mkdir -p bin
cp .cabal/bin/pandoc bin/
// create the archive
tar -zcvf pandoc- bin/
// log out of digital ocean
// on local system
scp root@<ip_address>
// type in password
// copy archive to your computer
scp root@<ip_address>:pandoc- ~/Downloads
// upload archive to s3
// make sure to set permissions to public, or you'll get a weird heroku error
// in your .vendor_urls file, add the url to your s3 hosted pandoc, or you can just use ours:
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