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Last active May 15, 2024 08:41
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  • Save kriNon/60036376f3c61b69573a042107d481e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kriNon/60036376f3c61b69573a042107d481e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Mixamo Animation downloadeer
// The following script make use of mixamo2 API to download all anims for a single character that you choose.
// The animations are saved with descriptive long names instead of the short ones used by default by mixamo UI.
// This script has been written by and the author is not responsible of its usage
// How to use this script
// 1. Browse
// 2. Log in
// 3. Open JS console (F12 on chrome)
// 4. Download an animation and get the character ID from the Network tab
// 5. Then past the character id in the "character" variable at beginning of this script
// 6. Copy and paste the full script in the javascript console
// 7. The script will open a new blank page.. you will start to see animations downloading
// 8. keep the blank page opened and keep on pressing "Allow multiple downlaods"
// NOTE. This doesn't really work for me, but it was supposed too
// Chrome will ask you all the time to allow multiple downloads
// You can disable this as follow:
// chrome://settings/ > Advanced > Content > Automatic downloads > uncheck "Do not allow any site to download multiple file automatically"
// const character = 'aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee'
const character = '2b3be6e3-a811-4a3d-a44e-fa2fa827bc93'
const bearer = localStorage.access_token
var oldAnimId = ""
const getAnimationList = (page) => {
console.log('getAnimationList page=', page);
const init = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2'
const listUrl = `${page}&limit=96&order=&type=Motion%2CMotionPack&query=`;
return fetch(listUrl, init).then((res) => res.json()).then((json) => json).catch(() => Promise.reject('Failed to download animation list'))
// retrieves json.details.gms_hash
const getProduct = (animId, character) => {
console.log('getProduct animId=', animId, ' character=', character);
const init = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2'
const productUrl = `${animId}?similar=0&character_id=${character}`;
return fetch(productUrl, init).then((res) => res.json()).then((json) => json).catch(() => Promise.reject('Failed to download product details'))
const mydownload = (animId) => {
var CharacterProm;
CharacterProm = getProduct(animId, character).then((json) =>;
CharacterProm.then(function(result) {
downloadAnimation(animId, character, result)
const downloadAnimation = (animId, character, product_name) => {
console.log('downloadAnimation animId=', animId, ' character=', character, ' prod name=', product_name);
// skip packs
if (product_name.indexOf(',') > -1) {
console.log('Skipping pack ', product_name);
return Promise.resolve('Skip pack!');
} else {
return getProduct(animId, character)
.then((json) => json.details.gms_hash)
.then((gms_hash) => {
const pvals = => param[1]).join(',')
const _gms_hash = Object.assign({}, gms_hash, { params: pvals }) // Anim is baked with default param values
return exportAnimation(character, [_gms_hash], product_name)
.then((json) => monitorAnimation(character,animId))
.catch(() => Promise.reject("Unable to download animation " + animId))
const downloadAnimLoop = (o) => {
if (!o.anims.length) {
return downloadAnimsInPage(o.currentPage + 1, o.totPages, o.character); // no anims left, get a new page
const head = o.anims[0];
const tail = o.anims.slice(1);
const oldvalue = o.anims
return downloadAnimation(, o.character,
.then(() => {
o.anims = tail;
downloadAnimLoop(o) //loop
.catch(() => {
if(getProduct(, o.character).then((json) => json.type=="MotionPack")){
o.anims = tail;
console.log("Skipping MotionPack");
o.anims = oldvalue
console.log("Recovering from animation failed to download");
return downloadAnimLoop(o) // keep on looping
var downloadAnimsInPage = (page, totPages, character) => {
console.log('downloadAnimsInPage page=', page, ' totPages', totPages, ' character=', character);
if (page >= totPages) {
console.log('All pages have been downloaded');
return Promise.resolve('All pages have been downloaded');
return getAnimationList(page)
.then((json) => (
anims: json.results,
totPages: json.pagination.num_pages,
.then((o) => downloadAnimLoop(o))
.catch((e) => Promise.reject("Unable to download all animations error ", e))
const start = () => {
if (!character) {
console.error("Please add a valid character ID at the beginnig of the script");
downloadAnimsInPage(1, 110, character);
const exportAnimation = (character_id, gmsHashArray, product_name) => {
console.log('Exporting Anim´:' + character_id + " to file:" + product_name)
const exportUrl = ''
const exportBody = {
gms_hash: gmsHashArray, //[{ "model-id": 103120902, "mirror": false, "trim": [0, 100], "overdrive": 0, "params": "0,0,0", "arm-space": 0, "inplace": false }],
preferences: { format: "fbx7", skin: "false", fps: "60", reducekf: "0" }, // To download collada use format: "dae_mixamo"
type: "Motion"
const exportInit = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
body: JSON.stringify(exportBody)
return fetch(exportUrl, exportInit)
.then((res) => {
switch (res.status) {
case 429:{
//console.log('ERROR 429, Too many requests, looping');
return exportAnimation(character_id, gmsHashArray, product_name);
} break;
res.json().then((json) => json)
function sleep(milliseconds) {
const date =;
let currentDate = null;
do {
currentDate =;
} while (currentDate - date < milliseconds);
let CharacterName = "";
const monitorAnimation = (characterId,animId) => {
if (true)
const monitorUrl = `${characterId}/monitor`;
const monitorInit = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${bearer}`,
'X-Api-Key': 'mixamo2'
return fetch(monitorUrl, monitorInit)
.then((res) => {
switch (res.status) {
case 404: {
const errorMsg = ('ERROR: Monitor got 404 error: ' + res.error + ' message=' + res.message);
throw new Error(errorMsg);
} break
case 429:{
//console.log('ERROR 429, Too many requests, looping');
return monitorAnimation(characterId,animId);
} break;
case 202:
case 200: {
return res.json()
} break
throw new Error('Response not handled', res);
}).then((msg) => {
switch (msg.status) {
case 'completed':
var CharacterProm;
CharacterProm = getProduct(animId, characterId).then((json) =>;
CharacterProm.then(function(result) {
if (getNameFromURL(msg.job_result) == CharacterName+".fbx")
//oldAnimId = msg.job_result
console.log('Downloading: ', msg.job_result);
//downloadingTab.location.href = msg.job_result;
return msg.job_result;
return monitorAnimation(characterId,animId);
case 'processing':
console.log('Animation is processing... looping');
return monitorAnimation(characterId,animId);
break;// loop
case 'failed':
const errorMsg = ('ERROR: Monitor status:' + msg.status + ' message:' + msg.message + 'result:' + JSON.stringify(msg.job_result));
throw new Error(errorMsg);
}).catch((e) => Promise.reject("Unable to monitor job for character " + characterId + e))
function getNameFromURL(url){
const regex = /\bresponse\-content\-disposition=.*\.fbx\b/gm;
const found = url.match(regex);
const text = decodeURIComponent(found)
return text.substring(51, text.length)
const download = (path) => {
// Create a new link
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.href = path; = getNameFromURL(path);
// Append to the DOM
// Trigger `click` event;
// Remove element from DOM
// Workaround for downloading files from a promise
// NOTE that chrome will detect you are downloading multiple files in a single TAB. Please allow it!
//const downloadingTab ='', '_blank');
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Hey quick question how can i change 158 to only download In Place animations?
Thank you for your help :)

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kriNon commented Feb 5, 2022

hey, I haven't dealt at all with exporting in place animations from mixamo.

possibly between lines 87 and 88 you would check the value of in place in _gms_hash and only proceed if it is an in-place animation.

Otherwise, on line 158, I think you would need to edit the value of in place in gms_hash, setting it to true.

Might be easiest to write a script on blender to get rid of root motion data?

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First of all thank you for your quick response. I randomly tried changing 158 to make inplace true but javascript isnt really my strong suit so it didnt really work. There are ways to deactivate root motion in blender however there isnt any script for it...
How would you edit gms_hash to enable inplace? Thank you again for your time :)

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kriNon commented Feb 12, 2022

Honestly not sure, this was my first time using Javascript, so my js skills aren't too great either.

Hopefully this points you in the right direction:

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Yeah i only wrote a little JS some years ago. so my JS skills are probably worse then yours :D thanks for the link I'll try it

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WIIASD commented Jun 8, 2022

You have no idea how much your code helped me in my project. I need to download all clips with different combinations of parameters of a animation. Though I don’t really know JavaScript but I managed to do it by modifying your script a little bit. Doing it by hand was a pain. Thank you so much for this script.

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Did anyone figure out how to download the animation with the inplace marker checked?

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Add this before line 155:
gmsHashArray[0].inplace = true;

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But also this script isn't working for me but the older version is:

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I get some errors when i add: gmsHashArray[0].inplace = true;

before - body: JSON.stringify(exportBody)
VM448:154 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '['

after - body: JSON.stringify(exportBody)
VM451:155 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

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Ozzie6935 commented Sep 24, 2022

is there a way to also download appropriate gif with each animation? image id is in gms_hash, but I can't figure out the cors, cloudfront is refusing.

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