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Last active October 24, 2018 15:27
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  • Save krowe/9c2627dd5609832617c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save krowe/9c2627dd5609832617c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This file will change the file title of all files is a directory so that they are all just an incremented number with the original extension still in place.
@set @junk=1 /*
@cscript //nologo //E:jscript %~f0 %*
@goto :eof */
var args=WScript.Arguments, shell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"), bForced, nStartIndex, sFilter;
err(1, "You must provide a starting value to begin counting at.");
if(args(0)=='-?'||args(0).toLowerCase()=='--help') { showHelp(); WScript.Quit(0); }
err(2, sprintf("The value [%s] which was given for start index is invalid. It should\n\tbe a positive integer.", nStartIndex));
var fso=new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"), folder=fso.GetFolder(shell.CurrentDirectory),
enFiles=new Enumerator(folder.Files), oFile, file_path, file_ext;
if(!bForced) {
if(sFilter!=".*") err(255, sFilter, "FILTER", false);
for(var nCurDX=nStartIndex; !enFiles.atEnd(); enFiles.moveNext(), nCurDX++) {
if( {
err(255, file_path, " SKIP", false);
err(255, sprintf("%s\n TO:\t%s", file_path, nCurDX+file_ext), "RENAME", false);
WScript.Echo("\nType 'yes' to continue...");
err(-1, "Action cancelled by user.", "INFO", false);
enFiles=new Enumerator(folder.Files);
for(var nCurDX=nStartIndex; !enFiles.atEnd(); enFiles.moveNext(), nCurDX++) {
if( continue;
try {
oFile.Name = nCurDX+file_ext;
} catch(e) {
err(3, sprintf("Cannot rename file:\n\t%s\n\nReason: %s\n", file_path, e.description));
/////////// FUNCTIONS ///////////
function sprintf(format, etc) { var arg=arguments,i=1; return format.replace(/%((%)|s)/g, function(m){return m[2]||arg[i++]}); }
function err(exitCode, msg, type, help) {
if(typeof(help)==='undefined') help=true;
if(typeof(type)==='undefined') type="ERROR";
if(help) showHelp();
if(exitCode!=255) WScript.Quit(exitCode);
function getFileExt(file_path) {
var dx=file_path.lastIndexOf("\\"), ret;
if(dx==-1) dx=file_path.lastIndexOf("/");
return (dx=ret.indexOf("."))==-1?"":("."+ret.substring(dx+1));
function showHelp() {
l ="\n--------------",str=l;
str+="\nNumeric Rename"+l+"\n\n";
str+="This file will change the file title of all files is a directory so that they\n";
str+="are named an incremented number with the original extension still in place.\n\n";
str+="Usage: NUMERIC_RENAME_ALL [ -? | --help ] [ -f | --force ] <start-index> [ <filter> ]\n\n";
str+="\t-?, --help\tDisplay this help screen and exit.\n\n";
str+="\t-f, --force\tRename the files without prompting first.\n\n";
str+="\t<filter>\tA regular expression which the file name must match\n\t\t\tto be processed.\n\n";
str+="\t<start-index>\tThe value to begin counting at.\n\n";
str+="For example (if called with 12345 as start-index):\n\n";
str+="\ttest1.jpg\t\tis renamed to\t\t12345.jpg\n";
str+="\ttest1.jpg.txt\t\tis renamed to\t\t12346.jpg.txt\n";
str+="\ttest2.pdf\t\tis renamed to\t\t12347.jpg\n\n";
str+="Currently, there is no way to sort the items and they will be numbered\n";
str+="according to the default file order for your system.\n"+l;
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krowe commented Dec 27, 2014

I've fixed this script so that it can be called without the .bat extension. To do this in your own scripts replace cscript //nologo //E:jscript %0 %* with cscript //nologo //E:jscript %~f0 %*.

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sir how can use of this file because it is not working in my destination folder.sir please help me fast

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