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Created May 12, 2017 17:53
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Python: splitting a string into two parts at the nth delimiter
from timeit import timeit
import re
def a(s, delim, n):
Two-param split, retaining head
r = s.split(delim, n)[n]
return s[:-len(r)-len(delim)], r
def b(s, delim, n):
Iterative find, retaining head
index = -1
while n > 0:
index = s.find(delim, index+1)
if index < 0:
n -= 1
return s[:index], s[index+1:]
_re_cache1 = dict()
def c(s, c, n):
Regular expressions, retaining head
r = _re_cache1.get(c, None)
if r is None:
_re_cache1[c] = r = re.compile(br'^((?:[^%c]*%c){%d}[^%c]*)%c(.*)' % (c,c,n-1,c,c))
l = ()
m = r.match(s)
if m:
return m.groups()
def d(s, delim, n):
Two-param split, discarding head
return s.split(delim, n)[n]
def e(s, delim, n):
Iterative find, discarding head
index = -1
while n > 0:
index = s.find(delim, index+1)
if index < 0:
n -= 1
return s[index+1:]
_re_cache2 = dict()
def f(s, c, n):
Regular expressions, discarding head
r = _re_cache2.get(c, None)
if r is None:
_re_cache2[c] = r = re.compile(br'^((?:[^%c]*%c){%d}[^%c]*)%c(.*)' % (c,c,n-1,c,c))
l = ()
m = r.match(s)
if m:
return m.groups()[1]
for x in [a,b,c,d,e,f]:
print(x(b"abc:def:efg:hij:klm", b":", 2))
print(timeit(x.__name__ + '(b"abc:def:efg", b":", 2)', setup='from __main__ import ' + x.__name__, number=10**7))
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