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Created March 1, 2023 20:28
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import yaml
import logging
from typing import Sequence
from starlette.routing import NoMatchFound
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, Response, Request
from xpublish.utils.api import DATASET_ID_ATTR_KEY
from xpublish.plugins import Dependencies, Plugin, hookimpl
logger = logging.getLogger('intake_catalog')
def get_dataset_id(ds):
xpublish_id = ds.attrs.get(DATASET_ID_ATTR_KEY)
cf_dataset_id = ".".join(
x for x in [
] if x
dataset_id_options = [
return next(x for x in dataset_id_options if x)
def get_zarr_source(xpublish_id, dataset, request):
url = ''
from xpublish.plugins.included.zarr import ZarrPlugin
url = request.url_for("get_zarr_metadata")
except NoMatchFound:
# On multi-dataset servers add the dataset_id to the route
url = request.url_for("get_zarr_metadata", dataset_id=xpublish_id)
# Remove .zmetadata from the URL to get the root zarr URL
url = url.replace("/.zmetadata", "")
if not url:
return {}
return {
'driver': 'zarr',
'description': dataset.attrs.get('summary', ''),
'args': {
'consolidated': True,
'urlpath': url
class IntakePlugin(Plugin):
"""Adds an Intake catalog endpoint"""
name = 'intake_catalog'
dataset_metadata = dict()
app_router_prefix: str = '/intake'
app_router_tags: Sequence[str] = ['intake']
dataset_router_prefix: str = ''
dataset_router_tags: Sequence[str] = ['intake']
def app_router(self, deps: Dependencies):
"""Register an application level router for app level intake catalog"""
router = APIRouter(prefix=self.app_router_prefix, tags=self.app_router_tags)
def get_request(request: Request) -> str:
return request
@router.get(".yaml", summary="Root intake catalog")
def get_root_catalog(
dataset_ids = Depends(deps.dataset_ids)
data = {
'metadata': {
'source': 'Served via `xpublish-intake`',
'access_url': str(request.url),
if dataset_ids:
data['sources'] = {
d: {
'description': self.dataset_metadata.get(d, {}).get('description', ''),
'driver': 'intake.catalog.local.YAMLFileCatalog',
'metadata': self.dataset_metadata.get(d, {}),
'args': {
'path': request.url_for('get_dataset_catalog', dataset_id=d)
for d in dataset_ids
data['sources'] = {
'dataset': {
'description': self.dataset_metadata.get('default', {}).get('description', ''),
'driver': 'intake.catalog.local.YAMLFileCatalog',
'metadata': self.dataset_metadata.get('default', {}),
'args': {
'path': request.url_for('get_dataset_catalog')
return Response(yaml.dump(data), media_type="text/yaml")
return router
def dataset_router(self, deps: Dependencies):
router = APIRouter(prefix=self.dataset_router_prefix, tags=list(self.dataset_router_tags))
def get_request(request: Request) -> str:
return request
@router.get('/intake.yaml', summary="Dataset intake catalog")
def get_dataset_catalog(
xpublish_id = get_dataset_id(dataset)
sources = {
'zarr': get_zarr_source(xpublish_id, dataset, request)
data = {
'name': xpublish_id,
'metadata': {
'source': 'Served via `xpublish-intake`',
'access_url': str(request.url),
'sources': {
f'{xpublish_id}-{k}': v for k, v in sources.items() if v
return Response(yaml.dump(data), media_type="text/yaml")
return router
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