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Created August 12, 2019 17:17
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// ****************************************************************************
// This code is designed to allow your ExpressJS app to stream uploads through
// clamav and on to S3 will full error-handling.
// -----
// You're going to need the following NPM modules installed for this to work:
// - uuid
// - busboy
// - aws-sdk
// - s3-upload-stream
// - express
// - clamscan
// - filesize
// ****************************************************************************
const uuid = require('uuid/v4');
const BusBoy = require('busboy');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const NodeClam = require('clamscan');
const ClamScan = new NodeClam().init({
clamdscan: {
socket: '/var/run/clamd.scan/clamd.sock',
timeout: 300000,
local_fallback: true,
preference: 'clamdscan'
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
params: { Bucket: 'BUCKET_NAME_HERE' }
const s3_stream = require('s3-upload-stream')(s3);
// ****************************************************************************
// For taking an end-user's Express framework upload stream and piping it though
// clamscan and then on to S3 with full error-handling
// -----
// @param Object req The Express Request object
// @param Object res The Express Response object
// @return Promise I think this can work...
// ****************************************************************************
function pipe2s3(req, res, opts={}) {
const debug_mode = true; // Change to `false` if you don't wanna see a bazillion messages in your logs
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const pipeline = new EventEmitter();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let filesize = 0;
let s3_details = null;
let scan_result = null;
let file_info = {};
let fields = {};
let num_files = 0;
const defaults = {
s3_path: '', // Needs trailing slash if provided...
s3_id: null,
s3_acl: 'private',
s3_metadata: {},
max_file_size: 20 * 1024 * 1024, // 20 MB
max_files: null, // FALSEY === No max number of files
allowed_mimetypes: [], // FALSEY === Accept anything
// Merge user option with defaults
const options = {...defaults, ...opts};
if (!options.s3_id) options.s3_id = `${options.s3_path}${uuid()}`;
// Instantiate BusBoy for this request
const busboy = new BusBoy({headers: req.headers, limits: { fileSize: options.max_file_size, files: options.max_files}});
const log_error = (err) => {
const code = uuid();
console.error(`Error Code: ${code}: ${err}`, err);
// Function to remove file from S3
const remove_s3_obj = async () => {
try {
const result = await s3.deleteObject({Key: options.s3_id}).promise();
console.log(`S3 Object: "${options.s3_id}" was deleted due to a ClamAV error or virus detection.`, result);
} catch (err) {
// When file has been uploaded to S3 and has been scanned, this function is called
const pipeline_complete = async () => {
if (debug_mode) console.log("Pipeline complete!", {s3_details, scan_result, file_info});
// If the S3 upload threw an error
if (s3_details instanceof Error) {
return reject(new Error("There was an issue with your upload (Code: 1). Please try again. If you continue to experience issues, please contact Customer Support!"));
// If the scan threw an error...
else if (scan_result instanceof Error) {
if ('data' in scan_result && {
log_error("Stream contained virus(es):",;
// Not sure what's going on with this ECONNRESET stuff...
if ('code' in scan_result && scan_result.code !== 'ECONNRESET') {
// Remove the S3 object
return reject(new Error("There was an issue with your upload (Code: 2). Please try again. If you continue to experience issues, please contact Customer Support!"));
// If the file is infected
else if (scan_result && 'is_infected' in scan_result && scan_result.is_infected === true) {
console.log(`A virus (${scan_result.viruses.join(', ')}) has been uploaded!`);
// Remove the S3 object
return reject(new Error("The file you've uploaded contained a virus. Please scan your system immediately. If you feel this is in error, please contact Customer Support. Thank you!"));
// If we're unsure the file is infected, just note that in the logs
else if (scan_result && 'is_infected' in scan_result && scan_result.is_infected === null) {
console.log(`There was an issue scanning the uploaded file... You might need to investigate manually: `, {s3_details, file_info});
// If the file uploaded just file...
else {
if (debug_mode) console.log(`The file uploaded was just fine... Carrying on...`);
// Resolve upload promise with file info
if (s3_details && 'Location' in s3_details) s3_details.Location = decodeURIComponent(s3_details.Location); // Not sure why decoding is necessary, but, w/e...
return resolve({s3_details, file_info, fields});
// Wait for both the file to be uploaded to S3 and for the scan to complete
// and then call `pipeline_complete`
pipeline.on('part-complete', () => {
// If the full pipeline has completed...
if (scan_result !== null && s3_details !== null) pipeline_complete();
// Wait for file(s)
busboy.on('file', (fieldname, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) => {
// Make sure we're only allowing the specified type of file(s)
if (Array.isArray(options.allowed_mimetypes) && options.allowed_mimetypes.length > 0 && !options.allowed_mimetypes.includes(mimetype))
return reject(new Error("Invalid file type provided!"));
const filename_ascii = filename.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "").replace(/[,;'"\\\/`|><*:$]/g, "").replace(/^[.-]+(.*)/,"$1");
// Update file info object
file_info.filename = filename;
file_info.encoding = encoding;
file_info.mimetype = mimetype;
file_info.filename_ascii = filename_ascii;
// Configure the S3 streaming upload
const upload = s3_stream.upload({
Bucket: s3_config.bucket,
Key: options.s3_id,
ContentDisposition: `inline; filename="${filename_ascii}"`,
ContentType: mimetype,
ACL: options.s3_acl,
Metadata: options.s3_metadata,
upload.maxPartSize(20 * 1024 * 1024); // 20 MB
upload.on('error', err => {
s3_details = err;
// Do this whenever a chunk of the upload has been received by S3
upload.on('part', details => {
if (details.receivedSize > filesize) {
filesize = details.receivedSize;
file_info.filesize = filesize;
if (debug_mode) console.log("File uploading to S3: ", Math.round((details.uploadedSize / details.receivedSize) * 100) + `% (${details.uploadedSize} / ${details.receivedSize})`);
// When the file has been fully uploaded to S3
upload.on('uploaded', details => {
if (debug_mode) console.log("File Uploaded to S3: ", {details, filesize});
s3_details = details;
// Get instance of clamscan object
ClamScan.then(clamscan => {
const av = clamscan.passthrough();
// If there's an error scanning the file
av.on('error', error => {
scan_result = error;
}).on('finish', () => {
if (debug_mode) console.log("All data has been sent to virus scanner");
}).on('end', () => {
if (debug_mode) console.log("All data has been retrieved by ClamAV and sent on to the destination!");
}).on('scan-complete', result => {
if (debug_mode) console.log("Scan Complete. Result: ", result);
scan_result = result;
// Pipe stream through ClamAV and on to S3
}).catch(e => {
if (debug_mode) console.log("Got a file stream!", filename);
busboy.on('limit', () => {
const pretty_filesize = filesize(filesize);
console.log("File is too big...");
// TODO: Kill stream??
return reject(new Error(`The file you've provided (${pretty_filesize}) is over the maximum ${filesize(options.max_file_size)} allowed.`));
// When busboy has sent the entire upload to ClamAV
busboy.on('finish', () => {
if (debug_mode) console.log("BusBoy has fully flushed to S3 Stream...");
if (num_files === 0) pipeline_complete();
// Capture the non-file fields too...
busboy.on('field', (fieldname, val, fieldnameTruncated, valTruncated, encoding, mimetype) => {
fields[fieldname] = val;
// Send request to busboy
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