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Last active July 5, 2023 02:00
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1. Testing the most recent or latest emitted item :

  • In our tests, in most of the cases, we are only interested in the last emitted value.For instance, for any UI state we are mostly interested on what will be the final UI state. And to test the last emitted value, we can do the following
            fun verifyErrorOnUpcomingShiftsFetchUIState() = runDeputyTest {
                // given fetched result is failure
                coEvery { getGroupedUpcomingShifts(request) } returns Failure()
                // when
                // then
                viewModel.uiState.test {
                    expectMostRecentItem() shouldBeEqualTo ErrorOnUpcomingShiftsFetch
  • The main advantage of this here is that we don't have to use any collectors to collect the value and test it

2. Testing all the emitted values by the state flows:

  • In our test case we may required to know whether all the UI State are being emitted by the StateFlow or not. For a typical case, our UI State may be of Empty, Progress, Success etc. And for that, we can use Turbine in following ways
            fun verifyErrorOnUpcomingShiftsFetchUIState() = runDeputyTest{
                // given fetched result is failure
                coEvery { getGroupedUpcomingShifts(request) } coAnswers {
                viewModel.uiState.test {
                    // at initialization of state flow Empty state
                    awaitItem() shouldBeEqualTo Empty
                    // when we fetch upcoming shifts
                    // then the UI state changes to Progress
                    awaitItem() shouldBeEqualTo ProgressOnUpcomingShiftsFetch
                    // advancing time to emit failure
                    // at last our UI state is Error
                    awaitItem() shouldBeEqualTo ErrorOnUpcomingShiftsFetch

This gives us the advantage of testing the UI State as per emitted order.

But if we just want to collect all of the emitted item at once and don't want to test the order, then we can use normal List to collect emitted values without using the Turbine. Maybe Turbine also has this, but I haven't explored it yet

           fun verifyErrorOnUpcomingShiftsFetchUIState() = runDeputyTest {
               // given fetched result is failure
               coEvery { getGroupedUpcomingShifts(request) } coAnswers {
               // we collect all the uiStates emitted by the viewModel
               val uiStates = mutableListOf<UpcomingShiftsUIState>()
               testScope.launch {
               // when
               // then uiStates must be emitted in following order
               uiStates shouldBeEqualTo mutableListOf(

3. Testing two or more flows at once :

  • There may be usecase where we need to test more than one flow at once. And for the with Turbine 1.0.0, they have introduced a scope turbineScope where can use testIn() to act as a collector. And we can test two or more flows in following manner
            fun verifyErrorOnUpcomingShiftsFetchUIState() = runDeputyTest {
                turbineScope {
                    // given fetched result is failure
                    coEvery { getGroupedUpcomingShifts(request) } returns Failure()
                    // we want to know the values emitted by two state flows
                    // UI state flow
                    val uiStates = viewModel.uiState.testIn(this)
                    // Refresh Progress flow
                    val refreshProgress = viewModel.showProgressOnRefresh.testIn(this)
                    // when
                    // then we can test two individual flows like following
                    uiStates.apply {
                        expectMostRecentItem() shouldBeEqualTo ErrorOnUpcomingShiftsFetch
                    refreshProgress.apply {
                        expectMostRecentItem() shouldBeEqualTo false

We can also use the collector to retrieve emitted item in order

            fun verifyErrorOnUpcomingShiftsFetchUIState() = runDeputyTest {
                turbineScope {
                    // given fetched result is failure
                    coEvery { getGroupedUpcomingShifts(request) } coAnswers {
                    // we want to know the values emitted by two state flows
                    // UI state flow
                    val uiStates = viewModel.uiState.testIn(this)
                    // Refresh Progress flow
                    val refreshProgress = viewModel.showProgressOnRefresh.testIn(this)
                    // when
                    // then we can test two individual flows like following
                    uiStates.apply {
                        awaitItem() shouldBeEqualTo Empty
                        awaitItem() shouldBeEqualTo ProgressOnUpcomingShiftsFetch
                        awaitItem() shouldBeEqualTo ErrorOnUpcomingShiftsFetch
                    refreshProgress.apply {
                        expectMostRecentItem() shouldBeEqualTo false

If needed we can create our custom scope similar to testScope for turbineScope and then use testIn() directly with that scope.

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