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Created May 9, 2018 20:59
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struct DropboxRequest: SyncRequest {
var uploadRequest: UploadRequest<Files.FileMetadataSerializer, Files.UploadErrorSerializer>?
init(_ req: UploadRequest<Files.FileMetadataSerializer, Files.UploadErrorSerializer>) {
self.uploadRequest = req
var listRequest: RpcRequest<Files.ListFolderResultSerializer, Files.ListFolderErrorSerializer>?
init(_ req: RpcRequest<Files.ListFolderResultSerializer, Files.ListFolderErrorSerializer>) {
self.listRequest = req
var continueListRequest: RpcRequest<Files.ListFolderResultSerializer, Files.ListFolderContinueErrorSerializer>?
init(_ req: RpcRequest<Files.ListFolderResultSerializer, Files.ListFolderContinueErrorSerializer>) {
self.continueListRequest = req
var deleteRequest: RpcRequest<Files.DeleteResultSerializer, Files.DeleteErrorSerializer>?
init(_ req: RpcRequest<Files.DeleteResultSerializer, Files.DeleteErrorSerializer>) {
self.deleteRequest = req
var downloadRequest: DownloadRequestMemory<Files.FileMetadataSerializer, Files.DownloadErrorSerializer>?
init(_ req: DownloadRequestMemory<Files.FileMetadataSerializer, Files.DownloadErrorSerializer>) {
self.downloadRequest = req
func cancel() {
func response(queue: DispatchQueue, andThen: @escaping (SyncFileCollection?, Error?) -> ()) -> SyncRequest {
self.uploadRequest?.response(queue: queue, completionHandler: { (maybeMetadata, maybeError) in
if let error = maybeError {
andThen(nil, SyncError(message: "Error uploading file \(self.downloadRequest.debugDescription) \(error.description)"))
} else {
andThen(nil, nil)
self.listRequest?.response(queue: queue, completionHandler: { (maybeMetadata, maybeError) in
if let error = maybeError {
andThen(nil, SyncError(message: "Error listing folder contents \(self.downloadRequest.debugDescription) \(error.description)"))
} else {
let files = maybeMetadata?.entries.compactMap({ (each) -> SyncFileMetadata? in
if let file = (each as? Files.FileMetadata) {
return SyncFileMetadata(size: file.size, name:
} else {
return nil
}) ?? []
var collection = SyncFileCollection(files: files, hasMore: maybeMetadata?.hasMore ?? false)
collection.cursor = maybeMetadata?.cursor
andThen(nil, nil)
self.continueListRequest?.response(queue: queue, completionHandler: { (maybeMetadata, maybeError) in
if let error = maybeError {
andThen(nil, SyncError(message: "Error continuing to list folder contents \(self.downloadRequest.debugDescription) \(error.description)"))
} else {
andThen(nil, nil)
self.downloadRequest?.response(queue: queue, completionHandler: { (maybeMetadata, maybeError) in
if let error = maybeError {
andThen(nil, SyncError(message: "Error downloading file \(self.downloadRequest.debugDescription) \(error.description)"))
} else if let id = maybeMetadata?, let data = maybeMetadata?.1 {
let result = SyncFileCollection(data: data, info: SyncDownloadInfo(id: id))
andThen(result, nil)
} else {
andThen(nil, SyncError(message: "Error downloading \(self.downloadRequest.debugDescription) Could not unwrap data/info"))
self.deleteRequest?.response(queue: queue, completionHandler: { (maybeResult, maybeError) in
if let error = maybeError {
andThen(nil, SyncError(message: "Error deleting file \(self.downloadRequest.debugDescription) \(error.description)"))
} else {
andThen(nil, nil)
return self
class DropboxSyncClient: SyncClient {
var dropboxClient: DropboxClient
init(dropboxClient: DropboxClient) {
self.dropboxClient = dropboxClient
func download(path: String) -> SyncRequest {
return DropboxRequest( path))
func delete(path: String, andThen: () -> ()) -> SyncRequest {
return DropboxRequest(dropboxClient.files.deleteV2(path: path))
func listFolder(path: String) -> SyncRequest {
return DropboxRequest(dropboxClient.files.listFolder(path: path))
func listFolder(path: String, startingWithCursor cursor: String) -> SyncRequest {
return DropboxRequest(dropboxClient.files.listFolderContinue(cursor: cursor))
func upload(data: Data, toPath path: String) -> SyncRequest {
return DropboxRequest(dropboxClient.files.upload(path: path, input: data))
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