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Created August 24, 2021 15:16
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WorkGalahadUIChannelItem Component raw from Facbook code
__d("WorkGalahadUIChannelItem.react", ["CometPressableOverlay.react", "Locale", "URI",
"WIGInteractiveElementContext.react", "WIGPressable.react", "WIGTextPairing.react",
"WorkGalahadChannelFocusableTable.react", "gkx", "react", "stylex", "useCometPreloader", "useHoverAndFocusState"], (function(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
"use strict";
var h = d("react");
b = d("react");
var i = b.useCallback,
j = b.useMemo,
k = b.useState,
l = c("gkx")("1919265"),
m = c("gkx")("875"),
n = {
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flexGrow: "aeqptlwn",
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borderStyle: "olwqhsk7",
borderWidth: "j6ngj7h7",
boxSizing: "tdgv6ycz",
display: "mu99tzkh",
flexDirection: "tv52aht6",
flexShrink: "kqlegusg",
marginBottom: "jgcuv4po",
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marginStart: "mq32vg4l",
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minHeight: "eg3o40xf",
minWidth: "f0w9ysip",
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zIndex: "rpt3ley2",
position: "i8ovu4tj",
start: "qgbafi3f",
top: "xdo5vwd7",
bottom: "qf3vbteg",
alignItems: "t36ehdhz",
justifyContent: "lhmcu1i6",
flexGrow: "aeqptlwn"
tetraLikeAddOnSecondary: {
display: "mu99tzkh",
justifyContent: "lhmcu1i6",
alignItems: "t36ehdhz"
addOnSecondaryOffset: {
transform: "s5apgkp2"
addOnSecondaryOffsetRTL: {
transform: "xd99s5we"
indentationLevel1: {
paddingStart: "hmw2pi96"
indentationLevel2: {
paddingStart: "dxs9yoch"
indentationLevel3: {
paddingStart: "den1hhl9"
tetraLikeIndentationLevel1: {
paddingStart: "spg5mz9m"
tetraLikeIndentationLevel2: {
paddingStart: "spg5mz9m"
tetraLikeIndentationLevel3: {
paddingStart: "l2da8jwz"
addOnTertiary: {
borderStyle: "olwqhsk7",
borderWidth: "j6ngj7h7",
boxSizing: "tdgv6ycz",
display: "mu99tzkh",
marginBottom: "jgcuv4po",
marginEnd: "ouhd256r",
marginTop: "kyu6y8np",
minHeight: "eg3o40xf",
paddingBottom: "a3m408la",
paddingEnd: "m3p3afjb",
paddingStart: "eimatuwp",
paddingTop: "zfmvpfxx",
position: "hal92y33",
zIndex: "rpt3ley2",
flexGrow: "aeqptlwn",
flexShrink: "o0foh442",
minWidth: "eia6fg53",
alignItems: "t36ehdhz",
justifyContent: "gyidwt2h",
flexDirection: "sulwup3a",
marginStart: "se2r61z1"
tetraLikeFocusRing: {
position: "s7aa97hv",
":focus-visible::after": {
borderTop: "rgpia63b",
borderEnd: "huuw6m2v",
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borderBottomStartRadius: "nws9alp2",
bottom: "sncuyhja",
content: "pxpirlfn",
start: "p2xhvvah",
position: "ic2s0i06",
end: "pqnt06nn",
top: "mtx6zocd"
function o(a) {
a = a.indentationLevel;
if (l && a === 1) return n.tetraLikeIndentationLevel1;
else if (l && a === 2) return n.tetraLikeIndentationLevel2;
else if (l && a === 3) return n.tetraLikeIndentationLevel3;
else if (a === 1) return n.indentationLevel1;
else if (a === 2) return n.indentationLevel2;
else if (a === 3) return n.indentationLevel3
function a(a, b) {
var e = a.addOnPrimary,
f = a.addOnSecondary,
g = a.addOnTertiary,
p = a.disabled;
p = p === void 0 ? !1 : p;
var q = a.emphasized;
q = q === void 0 ? !1 : q;
var r = a.selected;
r = r === void 0 ? !1 : r;
var s = a.indentationLevel;
s = s === void 0 ? 2 : s;
var t = a.linkProps;
t = t === void 0 ? {} : t;
var u = t.url;
t = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(t, ["url"]);
var v = a.body,
w = a.bodyColor,
x = a.bodyLineLimit;
x = x === void 0 ? 1 : x;
var y = a.headline,
z = a.headlineAddOn,
A = a.headlineColor,
B = a.headlineLineLimit;
B = B === void 0 ? 1 : B;
var C = a.meta,
D = a.metaColor,
E = a.metaLineLimit,
F = a.metaLocation,
G = a.onPress,
H = a.onPressIn,
I = a.onHoverIn,
J = a.onHoverOut,
K = a.onFocusIn,
L = a.onFocusOut,
M = a.isSemanticListItem;
M = M === void 0 ? !0 : M;
var N = a.testid;
N = a.wrapperRef;
var O = a.onPreload;
a = babelHelpers.objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(a, ["addOnPrimary", "addOnSecondary", "addOnTertiary", "disabled", "emphasized", "selected", "indentationLevel", "linkProps", "body", "bodyColor", "bodyLineLimit", "headline", "headlineAddOn", "headlineColor", "headlineLineLimit", "meta", "metaColor", "metaLineLimit", "metaLocation", "onPress", "onPressIn", "onHoverIn", "onHoverOut", "onFocusIn", "onFocusOut", "isSemanticListItem", "testid", "wrapperRef", "onPreload"]);
var P = k(!1),
Q = P[0],
R = P[1];
P = c("useHoverAndFocusState")();
var S = P.focused,
T = P.hovered,
U = P.onFocusIn,
V = P.onFocusOut,
W = P.onHoverIn;
P = P.onHoverOut;
var X = j(function() {
return {
hovered: T,
focused: S,
pressed: Q
}, [T, S, Q]),
Y = i(function() {
O && m && O()
}, [O]);
Y = c("useCometPreloader")("button_aggressive", void 0, Y);
var Z = Y[0],
$ = Y[1];
Y = i(function(a) {
Z(a), I && I(a)
}, [I, Z]);
var aa = i(function(a) {
$(), J && J(a)
}, [J, $]),
ba = i(function(a) {
U(a), K && K(a)
}, [K, U]),
ca = i(function(a) {
V(a), L && L(a)
}, [L, V]),
da = i(function(a) {
R(!0), H && H(a)
}, [H]),
ea = i(function() {
return R(!1)
}, []);
e = h.jsxs(h.Fragment, {
children: [e != null && h.jsx("div", {
className: c("stylex")(n.addOnPrimary),
children: e
}), h.jsx("div", {
"data-testid": void 0,
className: c("stylex")(n.textPairing),
children: h.jsx(c("WIGTextPairing.react"), {
body: v,
bodyColor: w,
bodyLineLimit: x,
headline: y,
headlineAddOn: z,
headlineColor: A,
headlineLineLimit: B,
level: 4,
meta: C,
metaColor: D,
metaLineLimit: E,
metaLocation: F,
reduceEmphasis: q === !1
v = M ? "li" : "div";
w = G || u != null;
return h.jsx(d("WorkGalahadChannelFocusableTable.react").WorkGalahadChannelFocusableTableRow, {
children: h.jsx(c("WIGInteractiveElementContext.react").Provider, {
value: X,
children: h.jsxs(v, {
ref: N,
role: w && M ? "row" : void 0,
onMouseEnter: W,
onMouseLeave: P,
className: c("stylex")(n.root, l && n.tetraLikeRoot, o({
indentationLevel: s
}), S && !l && n.focused, r && !l && n.selected, r && l && n.tetraLikeSelected),
children: [w && h.jsx(c("CometPressableOverlay.react"), {
focusVisible: S,
useHoverAndFocusState: T,
pressed: Q
}), w ? h.jsx(d("WorkGalahadChannelFocusableTable.react").WorkGalahadChannelFocusableTableCell, {
children: h.jsx("div", {
className: c("stylex")([n.contentContainer, l && n.tetraLikeContentContainer]),
role: M ? "gridcell" : void 0,
children: h.jsx(c("WIGPressable.react"), babelHelpers["extends"]({}, a, {
display: "block",
disabled: p,
linkProps: u ? babelHelpers["extends"]({}, t, {
url: c("URI").normalize(u),
prefetchQueries: m
}) : void 0,
onHoverIn: Y,
onHoverOut: aa,
onFocusIn: ba,
onFocusOut: ca,
onPress: G,
onPressIn: da,
onPressOut: ea,
overlayDisabled: !0,
ref: b,
xstyle: [n.content, l && n.tetraLikeFocusRing],
children: e
}) : h.jsx("div", {
className: c("stylex")(n.contentContainer),
children: e
}), g != null && l && h.jsx("div", {
className: c("stylex")(n.addOnTertiary),
children: g
}), f != null && h.jsx("div", {
className: c("stylex")(l ? n.tetraLikeAddOnSecondary : n.addOnSecondary, l ? null : d("Locale").isRTL() ? n.addOnSecondaryOffsetRTL : n.addOnSecondaryOffset),
children: f
}), g != null && !l && h.jsx("div", {
className: c("stylex")(n.addOnTertiary),
children: g
a.displayName = + " [from " + + "]";
e = h.forwardRef(a);
g["default"] = e
}), 98);
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