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Created November 8, 2020 22:10
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Godot CI
FROM ubuntu:focal
LABEL author=""
USER root
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
ca-certificates \
git \
git-lfs \
python \
python-openssl \
unzip \
wget \
zip \
adb \
openjdk-8-jdk-headless \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
&& wget${GODOT_VERSION}/Godot_v${GODOT_VERSION}-stable_export_templates.tpz \
&& mkdir ~/.cache \
&& mkdir -p ~/.config/godot \
&& mkdir -p ~/.local/share/godot/templates/${GODOT_VERSION}.stable \
&& unzip Godot_v${GODOT_VERSION} \
&& mv Godot_v${GODOT_VERSION}-stable_linux_headless.64 /usr/local/bin/godot \
&& unzip Godot_v${GODOT_VERSION}-stable_export_templates.tpz \
&& mv templates/* ~/.local/share/godot/templates/${GODOT_VERSION}.stable \
&& rm -f Godot_v${GODOT_VERSION}-stable_export_templates.tpz Godot_v${GODOT_VERSION}
ADD /opt/butler/
RUN bash /opt/butler/
RUN /opt/butler/bin/butler -V
ENV PATH="/opt/butler/bin:${PATH}"
# Adding android keystore and settings
RUN keytool -keyalg RSA -genkeypair -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US" -validity 9999 \
&& mv debug.keystore /root/debug.keystore
RUN godot -e -q
RUN echo 'export/android/adb = "/usr/bin/adb"' >> ~/.config/godot/editor_settings-3.tres
RUN echo 'export/android/jarsigner = "/usr/bin/jarsigner"' >> ~/.config/godot/editor_settings-3.tres
RUN echo 'export/android/debug_keystore = "/root/debug.keystore"' >> ~/.config/godot/editor_settings-3.tres
RUN echo 'export/android/debug_keystore_user = "androiddebugkey"' >> ~/.config/godot/editor_settings-3.tres
RUN echo 'export/android/debug_keystore_pass = "android"' >> ~/.config/godot/editor_settings-3.tres
RUN echo 'export/android/force_system_user = false' >> ~/.config/godot/editor_settings-3.tres
RUN echo 'export/android/timestamping_authority_url = ""' >> ~/.config/godot/editor_settings-3.tres
RUN echo 'export/android/shutdown_adb_on_exit = true' >> ~/.config/godot/editor_settings-3.tres
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