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Created August 1, 2016 22:12
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{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module Creepsay where
-- ^ This file has some random scribblings for Screeps Diplomacy
-- protocol discussion. Most of the things in here are not directly
-- of use, but might help for assembling reference examples, once we
-- figure out how the various layers should work.
-- The 62k suffix entries are "base62k" encoding, i.e. using all of
-- the UCS2 space except for the 0xd800-0xdfff region historically
-- reserved for surrogate pairs. This allows the ten "character"
-- creep message to convey about 159.54 bits; (log base 2 of
-- (62*1024)^10). Most people find this too big a pain to bother
-- with.
-- The 32k suffix entries are for the raw "base32k" encoding, where
-- each 10 char packet covers a simple 150 bits of data.
-- The 18B suffix entries are for the next proposal, essentially 32k
-- but with each frame limited to 144bits (exactly 18 bytes) and
-- leaving the 6 reserved bits zero.
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import Data.Word (Word8)
-- for playing with compression
-- import qualified Codec.Compression.Zlib.Raw as Z
-- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
-- | Not used, but allows for easy examples with compressed streams
compress :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
compress = id -- LB.toStrict . Z.compress . LB.fromStrict
-- | Not used, but allows for easy examples with compressed streams
decompress :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
decompress = id -- LB.toStrict . Z.decompress . LB.fromStrict
-- | Remap avoiding surrogate pair.
encodePiece62k :: Int -> Int
encodePiece62k n
| n >= 0x0000 && n < 0xd800 = n
| n >= 0xd800 && n < 0xf800 = n + 0x0800
| True = undefined
-- | Inverse of encodePiece
decodePiece62k :: Int -> Int
decodePiece62k n
| n >= 0x0000 && n < 0xd800 = n
| n >= 0xe000 && n <= 0xffff = n - 0x0800
| True = undefined
-- | Map an arbitrary precision integer to a sequence of encodable
-- pieces. Note that the divisor is not a power of two, so this
-- results in fractional numbers of bits per output word.
encodeNum62k :: Integer -> [Int]
encodeNum62k n
| n == 0 = []
| True =
case n `quotRem` 0xf800 of
(n',r) -> (encodePiece62k $ fromInteger r):(encodeNum62k n')
-- | Inverse of encodeNum62k
decodeNum62k :: [Int] -> Integer
decodeNum62k ps = foldr (\p acc->acc*0xf800+(fromIntegral $ decodePiece62k p)) 0 ps
-- | Map an arbitrary precision integer to a sequence of 15bit words.
encodeNum32k :: Integer -> [Int]
encodeNum32k n
| n == 0 = []
| True =
case n `quotRem` 32768 of
(n',r) -> (fromInteger r):(encodeNum32k n')
-- | Map an arbitrary precision integer to a sequence of 15bit words.
decodeNum32k :: [Int] -> Integer
decodeNum32k ps = foldr (\p acc->acc*32768+(fromIntegral p)) 0 ps
-- | Map a Word8 list to an arbitrary precision integer.
listToInteger :: [Word8] -> Integer
listToInteger = foldr (\n acc->(fromIntegral n)+acc*256) 0
-- | Map an arbitrary precision integer to a Word8 list.
integerToList :: Integer -> [Word8]
integerToList = unfoldr (\n->if n == 0
then Nothing
else case n `quotRem` 256 of
(q,r) -> Just ((fromIntegral r), q))
-- | Break a list into sublists of n pieces.
chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk n = unfoldr (\x -> case splitAt n x of
([],[]) -> Nothing
(xn,xs) -> Just (xn,xs))
encodeString62k :: String -> [[Int]]
encodeString62k =
(chunk 10) . encodeNum62k . listToInteger . B.unpack . compress . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
encodeString32k :: String -> [[Int]]
encodeString32k =
(chunk 10) . encodeNum32k . listToInteger . B.unpack . compress . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
decodeString62k :: [[Int]] -> String
decodeString62k =
T.unpack . E.decodeUtf8 . decompress . B.pack . integerToList . decodeNum62k . concat
decodeString32k :: [[Int]] -> String
decodeString32k =
T.unpack . E.decodeUtf8 . decompress . B.pack . integerToList . decodeNum32k . concat
encodeString18B :: String -> [[Int]]
encodeString18B =
(map (encodeNum32k . listToInteger)) . (chunk 18) . B.unpack . compress . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack
decodeString18B :: [[Int]] -> String
decodeString18B =
T.unpack . E.decodeUtf8 . decompress . B.pack . concatMap (integerToList . decodeNum32k)
-- *Main> encodeString62k "This is a test of longer, multi-tick messages."
-- [[8276,41399,53787,16551,11573,21382,15878,25184,7257,59183],
-- [18515,53732,48523,18842,58308,33984,61606,27609,15210,33060],
-- [48195,47858,23909]]
-- *Main> encodeString32k "This is a test of longer, multi-tick messages."
-- [[26708,26322,9345,923,1554,11908,7385,4154,26223,22592],
-- [14781,11067,18214,9221,7515,14902,11625,21224,11661,26883],
-- [13910,11886,23000,14770,46]]
-- *Main> encodeString18B "This is a test of longer, multi-tick messages."
-- [[26708,26322,9345,923,1554,11908,7385,4154,26223,64],
-- [28524,20188,18837,355,22226,3470,23133,14870,25449,214],
-- [27936,26314,1485,11067,26422,5]]
-- And of course decode* inverts to the original string.
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