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Created April 8, 2015 06:14
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public class HeroAnimation implements Serializable {
private int mLeft;
private int mTop;
private int mWidth;
private int mHeight;
private float mAlpha;
* @param exampleView View to be animated to with Hero Animation
public HeroAnimation(View exampleView) {
final int[] location = new int[2];
mLeft = location[0];
mTop = location[1];
mWidth = exampleView.getWidth();
mHeight = exampleView.getHeight();
mAlpha = exampleView.getAlpha();
public AnimatorSet getAnimations(View targetView, boolean enter) {
if (enter) {
AnimatorSet animatorSet = new AnimatorSet();
getPositionAnimations(targetView, enter),
getScaleAnimations(targetView, enter),
getAlphaAnimation(targetView, enter)
return animatorSet;
private AnimatorSet getPositionAnimations(View targetView, boolean enter) {
int[] screenLocation = new int[2];
int leftDelta = mLeft - screenLocation[0];
int topDelta = mTop - screenLocation[1];
float[] xValues = new float[] { leftDelta, 0 };
float[] yValues = new float[] { topDelta, 0 };
if (!enter) {
xValues = new float[] { leftDelta };
yValues = new float[] { topDelta };
AnimatorSet animatorSet = new AnimatorSet();
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(targetView, "translationX", xValues),
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(targetView, "translationY", yValues)
return animatorSet;
private AnimatorSet getScaleAnimations(View targetView, boolean enter) {
float widthScale = (float)mWidth / targetView.getWidth();
float heightScale = (float)mHeight / targetView.getHeight();
float[] xValues = new float[] { widthScale, 1 };
float[] yValues = new float[] { heightScale, 1 };
if (!enter) {
xValues = new float[] { widthScale };
yValues = new float[] { heightScale };
AnimatorSet animatorSet = new AnimatorSet();
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(targetView, "scaleX", xValues),
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(targetView, "scaleY", yValues)
return animatorSet;
private Animator getAlphaAnimation(View targetView, boolean enter) {
float[] values = new float[] { mAlpha, targetView.getAlpha() };
if (!enter)
values = new float[] { mAlpha };
return ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(targetView, "alpha", values);
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