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Last active January 31, 2023 17:22
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The function emojid() deterministically converts hexadecimal strings (like sha1sum, md5sum, uuid4, uuid5) into emoji containing strings, remojid() converts back.

Implementations in Javascript and Python are provided.

What for?


How it works

The code will in each step

  • take the value of 2 hex chars
  • add a "magic" offset (U+1F400) to it
  • convert it to unicode

There is a bit of tolerance built in: Non hex chars will be ignored and simply be added to the result. But I wouldn't push it too hard.


emojid(42eab827e162899feb01af513c39be46) =>👂📪💸🐧📡👢💉💟📫🐁💯👑🐼🐹💾👆

emojid(d50aabf4b2f62569b976a4b16d6dfc86750499a7) => 📕🐊💫📴💲📶🐥👩💹👶💤💱👭👭📼💆👵🐄💙💧

git short hash
emojid(21132ad) => 🐡🐓🐪d 

emojid(f6e3299a-525a-4c5f-bebc-ef014b608a66) => 📶📣🐩💚-👒👚-👌👟-💾💼-📯🐁👋👠💊👦

remojid(🐡🐓🐪d) => 21132ad
function emojid(id) {
let word = '';
let res = '';
id.toLowerCase().split('').map(c => {
word += c;
if([0-9a-f]/) === -1) {
res += word;
word= '';
if (word.length === 2) {
res += String.fromCodePoint(0x1F400 + parseInt(word, 16));
word = '';
return res + word;
function remojid(emojid) {
return [...emojid].map(c => {
const intVal = c.codePointAt(0) - 0x1F400;
const hexVal = intVal.toString(16);
const pad = hexVal.length < 2 ? '0' : '';
return intVal > 0 ? pad + hexVal : c;
import re
def emojid(id):
word = ''
res = ''
for c in list(id.lower()):
word += c
if"[0-9a-f]", c) == None:
res += word
word = ''
if (len(word) == 2):
ucode = 0x1F400 + int(word, 16)
res += unicode('\U000%x' % ucode , 'unicode-escape')
word = ''
return res + word
def remojid(emojid):
res = ''
for c in emojid:
intVal = ord(c) - 56320
if intVal == -963: continue
if intVal < 0:
res += c
res += "%02x" % intVal
return res
print emojid('6777576b-3216-444e-960b-20a07bd6c352')
print remojid(emojid('6777576b-3216-444e-960b-20a07bd6c352'))
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