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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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open safe
__author__ = 'leonmax'
You are given a SAFE, with 4 dials on it
dials are numbered 0-9, continuous, integral
key to this safe -> can *only* be opened in the
fewest number of turns
"turn" -> picking *any* dial, rotating 1 unit clock/counterclockwise
0 -> 4 = 4 turns, not 1 turn
starting combo -> 3926
(blacklist) -> 9236, 8323, 9632, 2369, 2353, 3927
opening combo -> 9639
def turn(combo, pos, clockwise=True):
base = 10 ** (DIALS - pos -1)
# extract the value at this pos
digit = int(combo / base) % 10
# rotate and taking care of edges
change = 1 if clockwise else -1
if digit == 9 and clockwise:
change = - 9
elif digit == 0 and not clockwise:
change = 9
return combo + change * base
def neighbors(combo):
for pos in range(DIALS):
for clockwise in [True, False]:
yield turn(combo, pos, clockwise)
def validate(combo):
limit = 10 ** DIALS - 1
assert 0 <= combo <= limit, "combo %s is out of range [0, %s]" % (combo, limit)
def open_safe(starting, opening, blacklist):
# validate input
map(validate, blacklist)
# if opening is in blacklist, return None immediately
if opening in blacklist:
return None
visited = set(blacklist + [starting])
queue = [(starting, [starting])]
while queue:
(combo, path) = queue.pop(0)
if combo == opening:
return path
# if combo == 939: print([i for i in neighbors(combo)])
for neighbor in set(neighbors(combo)) - visited:
queue.append((neighbor, path + [neighbor]))
# just for readability, if no path found, return None
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
# when destination is in blacklist, return None
assert open_safe(3926, 9236, [9236, 8323, 9632, 2369, 2353, 3927]) is None
for i in open_safe(3926, 9639, [9236, 8323, 9632, 2369, 2353, 3927]):
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leonmax commented Apr 28, 2015

it's now generic in terms of how many DIALS it supports

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