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Last active December 11, 2023 14:39
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uploading parallel with status
void _process() async {
final uuid = Uuid();
final random = uuid.v4();
final outputFilename =
"${(await getTemporaryDirectory()).path}/$random.png";
await compute(stitch, [widget.images, outputFilename]);
setState(() {
_outputFilename = outputFilename;
img.Image? output = await img.decodeImageFile(outputFilename);
setState(() {
_outputImage = output;
setState(() {
_uploading = true;
List<String> uploadFiles = [...widget.images, _outputFilename!];
final fileSizes = await Future.wait( async => await File(filename).length()));
List<int> bytesDownloaded = List.generate(fileSizes.length, (index) => 0);
int sumUsingReduce(List<int> numbers) {
return numbers.reduce((value, element) => value + element);
final totalBytes = sumUsingReduce(fileSizes);
await uploadFilesToBucket(
uploadFiles, random, (int index, TaskSnapshot snapshot) {
bytesDownloaded[index] = snapshot.bytesTransferred;
final sumDownloaded = sumUsingReduce(bytesDownloaded);
final percent = sumDownloaded / totalBytes;
setState(() {
_uploadStatus =
"Uploading ${getFileSizeString(bytes: totalBytes)} (${(percent*100).truncate()}%)";
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:firebase_storage/firebase_storage.dart';
Future<void> uploadFilesToBucket(
List<String> filenames, String storageBucketPath, void Function(int,TaskSnapshot) onProgress) async {
final FirebaseStorage storage = FirebaseStorage.instance;
final Reference storageReference = storage.ref(storageBucketPath);
await Future.wait(filenames.asMap() async {
int index = entry.key;
String filename = entry.value;
String paddedNumberString = index == filenames.length - 1
? "output"
: (index + 1).toString().padLeft(3, "0");
String extension = path.extension(filename);
String bucketPath = "$paddedNumberString$extension";
try {
UploadTask uploadTask = storageReference.child(bucketPath).putFile(
uploadTask.snapshotEvents.listen((snapshot) {
onProgress(index, snapshot);
await uploadTask;
} on FirebaseException catch (e) {
print('Error uploading $filename: $e');
Future<int> getTotalFileSize(List<String> filePaths) async {
int totalSize = 0;
for (String filePath in filePaths) {
totalSize += await getFileSize(filePath);
return totalSize;
Future<int> getFileSize(String filePath) async {
File file = File(filePath);
if (await file.exists()) {
int size = await file.length();
return size;
} else {
print('File not found: $filePath');
return 0;
String getFileSizeString({required int bytes, int decimals = 0}) {
const suffixes = ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb", "tb"];
if (bytes == 0) return '0${suffixes[0]}';
var i = (log(bytes) / log(1024)).floor();
return ((bytes / pow(1024, i)).toStringAsFixed(decimals)) + suffixes[i];
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