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Created May 7, 2016 00:27
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Automated assembler script for Space Engineers
String lcdName = "Assembler Control LCD";
public void Main(string argument) {
List<String> orderedResources = new List<String>();
Dictionary<String, int> desiredQuantities = new Dictionary<String, int>();
Dictionary<String, String> displayNames = new Dictionary<String, String>();
Dictionary<String, String> assemblerProducts = new Dictionary<String, String>();
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
// Find config
IMyTextPanel lcd = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(lcdName) as IMyTextPanel;
String config = lcd.GetPrivateText();
// Parse config
var lines = config.Split(new Char[] {'\n'});
foreach (String line in lines) {
if (line.Equals("")) {
//Echo("Reading line: " + line);
var parts = line.Split(new Char[] {':'}, 2);
if (parts.Length < 2) {
Echo("Unknown config element: " + line);
var args = parts[1].Split(new Char[] {','});
if (parts[0].Trim().Equals("Resource")) {
String resourceName = args[0].Trim();
int desiredQuantity = int.Parse(args[1]);
String displayName = args[2].Trim();
desiredQuantities[resourceName] = desiredQuantity;
displayNames[resourceName] = displayName;
} else if (parts[0].Trim().Equals("Assembler")) {
String assemblerName = args[0].Trim();
String productName = args[1].Trim();
assemblerProducts[assemblerName] = productName;
} else {
Echo("Unknown config element: " + line);
Dictionary<String, int> inventory = getInventoryCounts();
// Show inventory and desired quantities on LCD
foreach (String resource in orderedResources) {
int quantity = inventory.ContainsKey(resource)?inventory[resource]:0;
int desiredQuantity = desiredQuantities[resource];
String displayName = displayNames[resource];
String enabled = "No Assemblers";
if (quantity < desiredQuantity) {
// enable assemblers
foreach (String assemblerName in assemblerProducts.Keys) {
if (assemblerProducts[assemblerName].Equals(resource)) {
var assembler = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(assemblerName) as IMyAssembler;
enabled = "enabled";
} else {
// disable assemblers
foreach (String assemblerName in assemblerProducts.Keys) {
if (assemblerProducts[assemblerName].Equals(resource)) {
var assembler = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(assemblerName) as IMyAssembler;
enabled = "disabled";
text.Append(quantity + "/" + desiredQuantity + " " + enabled + " " + displayName + "\n");
// Print in the console the names of things in inventory that match argument
foreach (String name in inventory.Keys) {
if (!argument.Equals("") && name.Contains(argument)) {
Echo(name + " : " + inventory[name] + "\n");
// Push the "Updated" text to the last line of the screen
for (int i = 0; i < 17-orderedResources.Count; ++i) {
text.Append("Updated " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
writeToLCDPanel(lcdName, text.ToString());
public void writeToLCDPanel(String lcdName, String text) {
IMyTextPanel lcdPanel = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(lcdName) as IMyTextPanel;
lcdPanel.WritePublicText(text, false);
public Dictionary<String, int> getInventoryCounts() {
// Find all the blocks that have inventories
List<IMyTerminalBlock> inventoryBlocks = new List<IMyTerminalBlock>();
// add the inventories from the blocks to the inventory list
List<IMyInventory> inventories = new List<IMyInventory>();
for (int i = 0; i < inventoryBlocks.Count; i++) {
var block = inventoryBlocks[i] as IMyInventoryOwner;
// if it has more than one inventory, it's probably an assembler,
// since they have input and output. Add the 2nd one.
if (block.InventoryCount > 1) {
Dictionary<String, int> results = new Dictionary<String, int>();
for (int i = 0; i < inventories.Count; i++) {
IMyInventory inventory = (IMyInventory)inventories[i];
List<IMyInventoryItem> items = inventory.GetItems();
for (int j = 0; j < items.Count; j++) {
IMyInventoryItem item = items[j];
String name = item.Content.SubtypeName;
if (results.ContainsKey(name)) {
results[name] += (int) item.Amount;
} else {
results[name] = (int) item.Amount;
return results;
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Sadly...obsolete now.

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