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Created July 22, 2015 01:58
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jumpcloud tag system
## This example demonstrates how to auto assign a system to a tag
## using the System Context API. This script should be run after
## running the Kickstart script []
## and can be used in your chef cookbooks or puppet manifests.
# check if the jumpcloud agent conf has an assigned systemKey
hasSystemKey() {
cat /opt/jc/jcagent.conf | grep systemKey
# wait for the jumpcloud agent to complete system registration
waitForSystemToRegister() {
while [ "$a" == "" ]; do
#echo "waiting for agent to register"
sleep 5
# Parse the systemKey from the conf file.
# The conf file is JSON and can be parsed using JSON.parse() in a supported language.
conf="`cat /opt/jc/jcagent.conf`"
if [[ ${conf} =~ $regex ]] ; then
# Get the current time.
now=`date -u "+%a, %d %h %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"`;
# create the string to sign from the request-line and the date
signstr="PUT /api/systems/${systemKey} HTTP/1.1\ndate: ${now}"
# create the signature
signature=`printf "$signstr" | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign /opt/jc/client.key | openssl enc -e -a | tr -d '\n'` ;
# assign the system to the all-servers and web-servers tag.
# NOTE: The tags must already exist in your jumpcloud account. This api call will not create the tags.
curl -iq \
-d "{ \"tags\" : [\"keyprdev\"]}" \
-X "PUT" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Date: ${now}" \
-H "Authorization: Signature keyId=\"system/${systemKey}\",headers=\"request-line date\",algorithm=\"rsa-sha256\",signature=\"${signature}\"" \
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