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Last active December 20, 2023 12:53
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  • Save lgarron/d1dee380f4ed9d825ca7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lgarron/d1dee380f4ed9d825ca7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple `navigator.clipboard.writeText()` polyfill.
// A minimal polyfill for copying text to clipboard that works most of the time in most capable browsers.
// Note that:
// - You may not need this. `navigator.clipboard.writeText()` works directly in all modern browsers as of 2020.
// - In Edge, this may call `resolve()` even if copying failed.
// - In Safari, this may fail if there is nothing selected on the page.
// See for a more robust solution.
// License for this Gist: public domain / Unlicense
function writeText(str) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var success = false;
function listener(e) {
e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", str);
success = true;
document.addEventListener("copy", listener);
document.removeEventListener("copy", listener);
success ? resolve(): reject();
<button onclick="writeText(this.textContent)">Copy me!</button>
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bukzor commented Nov 4, 2018

It would be better to make this MIT like clipboard-polyfill.

"public domain" isn't a license but rather a lack of copyright, which you still hold, like it or not. CC0 is the closest you can get to discharging your copyright in a way that's meaningful worldwide.

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Doesn't work on Safari 12.0.1 (14606.

I get Unhandled Promise Rejection: undefined every time I click the button

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Offirmo commented Jun 4, 2019

Still not working in Safari latest = 12.1.1 at this time

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lgarron commented Jun 4, 2019

Still not working in Safari latest = 12.1.1 at this time

In Safari, you need to have part of the document selected for this to work. :-/

A simple workaround is to do this:

// A minimal polyfill for `navigator.clipboard.writeText()` that works most of the time in most modern browsers.
// Note that on Edge this may call `resolve()` even if copying failed.
// See for a more robust solution.
// License: public domain
function writeText(str) {
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

    var range = document.createRange();

    var success = false;
    function listener(e) {
      e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", str);
      success = true;
    document.addEventListener("copy", listener);
    document.removeEventListener("copy", listener);


    success ? resolve(): reject();

<button onclick="writeText(this.textContent, console.error)">Copy me!</button>

However, this adds a non-trivial amount of code to this "simple" snippet and clears the current selection every time in all browsers. I recommend a library if you want reliable logic in all browsers (this is why I maintain !).

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Offirmo commented Jun 4, 2019

Thanks. I just wanted to evaluate if this gist could be a lighter alternative to the full polyfill for just writing to the clipboard.

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Doesn't work on Safari 12.0.1 (14606.

I get Unhandled Promise Rejection: undefined every time I click the button

I was getting the same error because I was on http and safari wants a https connection

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