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Created April 25, 2019 23:43
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Debug output for brunoV/throttler#6
(ns throttler.core
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [chan <!! >!! >! <! timeout go close! dropping-buffer]]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]))
;; To keep the throttler precise even for high frequencies, we set up a
;; minimum sleep time. In my tests I found that below 10 ms the actual
;; sleep time has an error of more than 10%, so we stay above that.
(def ^{:no-doc true} min-sleep-time 10)
(defn- round [n] (Math/round (double n)))
(def ^{:no-doc true} unit->ms
{:microsecond 0.001 :millisecond 1
:second 1000 :minute 60000
:hour 3600000 :day 86400000
:month 2678400000})
(defmacro pipe
"Pipes an element from the from channel and supplies it to the to
channel. The to channel will be closed when the from channel closes.
Must be called within a go block."
[from to]
`(let [v# (<! ~from)]
(if (nil? v#)
(close! ~to)
(>! ~to v#))))
(defn- chan-throttler* [rate-ms bucket-size]
(let [sleep-time (round (max (/ rate-ms) min-sleep-time))
token-value (round (* sleep-time rate-ms)) ; how many messages to pipe per token
bucket (chan (dropping-buffer bucket-size))] ; we model the bucket with a buffered channel
;; The bucket filler thread. Puts a token in the bucket every
;; sleep-time seconds. If the bucket is full the token is dropped
;; since the bucket channel uses a dropping buffer.
(while (>! bucket :token)
(print "+")
(<! (timeout (int sleep-time)))))
;; The piping thread. Takes a token from the bucket (blocking until
;; one is ready if the bucket is empty), and forwards token-value
;; messages from the source channel to the output channel.
;; For high frequencies, we leave sleep-time fixed to
;; min-sleep-time, and we increase token-value, the number of
;; messages to pipe per token. For low frequencies, the token-value
;; is 1 and we adjust sleep-time to obtain the desired rate.
(fn [c]
(let [c' (chan)] ; the throttled chan
(while (<! bucket) ; block for a token
(print "-")
(dotimes [_ token-value]
(print ".")
(when-not (pipe c c')
(close! bucket)))
(defn chan-throttler
"Returns a function that will take an input channel and return an
output channel with the desired rate. Optionally acceps a bucket size
for bursty channels.
If the throttling function returned here is used on more than one
channel, they will all share the same token-bucket. This means their
overall output rate combined will be equal to the provided rate. In
other words, they will all share the alloted bandwith using
statistical multiplexing.
See fn-throttler for an example that can trivially be extrapolated to
([rate unit]
(chan-throttler rate unit 1))
([rate unit bucket-size]
(when (nil? (unit->ms unit))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
(str "Invalid unit. Available units are: " (keys unit->ms)))))
(when-not (and (number? rate) (pos? rate))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "rate should be a positive number")))
(when (or (not (integer? bucket-size)) (neg? bucket-size))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "bucket-size should be a non-negative integer")))
(let [rate-ms (/ rate (unit->ms unit))]
(chan-throttler* rate-ms bucket-size))))
(defn throttle-chan
"Takes a write channel, a goal rate and a unit and returns a read
channel. Messages written to the input channel can be read from
the throttled output channel at a rate that will be at most the
provided goal rate.
Optionally takes a bucket size, which will correspond to the
maximum number of burst messages.
As an example, the channel produced by calling:
(throttle-chan (chan) 1 :second 9)
Will transmit 1 message/second on average but can transmit up to
10 messages on a single second (9 burst messages + 1
Note that after the burst messages have been consumed they have to
be refilled in a quiescent period at the provided rate, so the
overall goal rate is not affected in the long term.
The throttled channel will be closed when the input channel
([c rate unit]
(throttle-chan c rate unit 1))
([c rate unit bucket-size]
((chan-throttler rate unit bucket-size) c)))
(defn fn-throttler
"Creates a function that will globally throttle multiple functions at
the provided rate. The returned function accepts a function and
produces an equivalent one that complies with the desired rate. If
applied to many functions, the sum af all their invocations in a time
interval will sum up to the goal average rate.
; create the function throttler
(def slow-to-1-per-minute (fn-throttler 1 :minute)
; create slow versions of f1, f2 and f3
(def f1-slow (slow-to-1-per-minute f1)
(def f2-slow (slow-to-1-per-minute f2)
(def f3-slow (slow-to-1-per-minute f3)
; use them to do work. Their aggregate rate will be equal to 1
; call/minute
(f1-slow arg1 arg2) ; => result, t = 0
(f2-slow) ; => result, t = 1 minute
(f3-slow arg) ; => result, t = 2 minutes
The combined rate of f1-slow, f2-slow and f3-slow will be equal to
'rate'. This does not mean that the rate of each is 1/3rd of
'rate'; if only f1-slow is being called then its throughput will be
close to rate. Or, if one of the functions is being called from
multiple threads then it'll get a greater share of the total
In other words, the functions will use statistical multiplexing to
cap the allotted bandwidth."
([rate unit]
(fn-throttler rate unit 1))
([rate unit bucket-size]
(let [in (chan 1)
out (throttle-chan in rate unit bucket-size)]
;; This function takes a function and produces a throttled
;; function. When called multiple times, all the resulting
;; throttled functions will share the same throttled channel,
;; resulting in a globally shared rate. I.e., the sum af the
;; rates of all functions will be at most the argument rate).
(fn [f]
(fn [& args]
;; The approach is simple: pipe a bogus message through a
;; throttled channel before evaluating the original function.
(println (str "in:" args))
(>!! in :eval-request)
(<!! out)
(apply f args))))))
(defn throttle-fn
"Takes a function, a goal rate and a time unit and returns a
function that is equivalent to the original but that will have a maximum
throughput of 'rate'.
Optionally accepts a burst rate, in which case the resulting function
will behave like a bursty channel. See throttle-chan for details."
([f rate unit]
(throttle-fn f rate unit 1))
([f rate unit bucket-size]
((fn-throttler rate unit bucket-size) f)))
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