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Last active November 3, 2023 13:52
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  • Save lifeofguenter/9bf02474c623d7c8a8ac874f54227f03 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lifeofguenter/9bf02474c623d7c8a8ac874f54227f03 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dynamically set php-fpm workers in docker containers.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eo pipefail
logger() {
printf '%s (%s) %s [%s]: %s\n' "$(date)" "$(whoami)" "${BASH_SOURCE}" "${1}" "${2}"
# determine maxprocs according to cgroup-mem-limit
memory_available="$(cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.limit_in_bytes)"
php_num_procs="$(echo "$((memory_available / memory_per_proc))" | awk '{print int($1)}')"
logger "INFO" "memory available: ${memory_available} / memory per proc: ${memory_per_proc} / php num procs: ${php_num_procs}"
sed -i '/^pm/d' /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
printf 'pm = static\npm.max_children = %d\n' "${php_num_procs}" >> /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
# passthrough to original entrypoint
exec docker-php-entrypoint "${@}"
#!/usr/bin/env php
function return_bytes($val) {
$val = trim($val);
$mod = strtolower(substr($val, -1));
$val = (int) substr($val, 0, -1);
switch($mod) {
case 'g':
$val *= 1024;
case 'm':
$val *= 1024;
case 'k':
$val *= 1024;
return $val;
echo return_bytes(ini_get('memory_limit')) . PHP_EOL;
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