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Created April 15, 2016 11:50
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Imagemagick bash script to generate portrait iOS app store screenshots from 6+ input
# Generate iPhone Portrait Screenshots from 6+ for app store submission.
# From folder containing 6+ screenshots do:
# ./ *.png
mkdir -p 3.5
mkdir -p 4.0
mkdir -p 4.7
mkdir -p 5.5
for base in "$@"
WIDTH=`identify -format '%w' -quiet "$base"`
HEIGHT=`identify -format '%h' -quiet "$base"`
if [ $WIDTH -eq 1242 -a $HEIGHT -eq 2208 ]; then
convert "$base" -resize 640x1136! 4.0/"$dest"
convert "$base" -resize 750x1334! 4.7/"$dest"
cp "$base" 5.5/"$dest"
# remove status bar to save some height for 3.5" 3:2 aspect ratio
mogrify -crop 1242x2208+0+54 -quiet "$dest"
# resize keeping 16:9 aspect ratio and put it in a 3:2 canvas
convert "$base" -resize 540x960! -gravity center -background transparent -extent 640x960 3.5/"$dest"
# remove base file, we can find it's duplicate at 5.5 folder
rm "$base"
echo "[OK] $base"
echo "[ERROR] $base not 6+ Screenshot"
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