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Last active January 16, 2020 08:08
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IOST multiple signature
set -eu
IWALLET_CMD='iwallet --chain_id 1020 -s' # single node dev chain
function clean_account() {
$IWALLET_CMD account del manager1
$IWALLET_CMD account del manager2
$IWALLET_CMD account del manager3
function create_account() {
$IWALLET_CMD account import $TEST_USER_ID $seckey1
$IWALLET_CMD --account admin account create $TEST_USER_ID --owner $pubkey1 --active $pubkey1 --initial_balance 20 --initial_ram 20000 --initial_gas_pledge 200
$IWALLET_CMD --account admin account create manager1 --initial_balance 20 --initial_ram 20000 --initial_gas_pledge 200
$IWALLET_CMD --account admin account create manager2 --initial_balance 20 --initial_ram 20000 --initial_gas_pledge 200
$IWALLET_CMD --account admin account create manager3 --initial_balance 20 --initial_ram 20000 --initial_gas_pledge 200
function split_account_perm() {
# First, add three items for the active/owner permission.
# Then, remove the old keypairs.
# Finally, since 34 + 34 + 34 > 100(100 is the default permission threshold), only when these three users all sign the tx can the tx be succeesfully sent and run.
$IWALLET_CMD --account $TEST_USER_ID call --signers ${TEST_USER_ID}@owner \
auth.iost assignPermission \[\"$TEST_USER_ID\",\"active\",\"manager1@active\",34\] \
auth.iost assignPermission \[\"$TEST_USER_ID\",\"active\",\"manager2@active\",34\] \
auth.iost assignPermission \[\"$TEST_USER_ID\",\"active\",\"manager3@active\",34\] \
auth.iost revokePermission \[\"$TEST_USER_ID\",\"active\",\"$pubkey1\"\] \
auth.iost assignPermission \[\"$TEST_USER_ID\",\"owner\",\"manager1@active\",34\] \
auth.iost assignPermission \[\"$TEST_USER_ID\",\"owner\",\"manager2@active\",34\] \
auth.iost assignPermission \[\"$TEST_USER_ID\",\"owner\",\"manager3@active\",34\] \
auth.iost revokePermission \[\"$TEST_USER_ID\",\"owner\",\"$pubkey1\"\]
echo "split permission done"
function test_singlesig_fail() {
# We expected the old keypair is invalid now
$IWALLET_CMD --account $TEST_USER_ID call token.iost transfer [\"iost\",\"$TEST_USER_ID\",\"admin\",\"10\",\"\"] && (echo "should fail, but succeed"; exit 1) || echo "command failed as expected"
function test_multisig_usage() {
delay_seconds=5 # In practice, since you need to send tx file to different persons and collect their signatures, 600(10 minutes) or 1200(20 minutes) may be a better choice for this parameter.
txStr="--tx_time_delay $delay_seconds token.iost transfer $actionStr"
# First, the operator generates the tx file.
$IWALLET_CMD call --output $txFile $txStr
# Then, diffrent users sign the tx file and generate signature files seperately.
# Following commands are assumed to be run by different persons, on different machines.
$IWALLET_CMD sign --as_publisher_sign $txFile ~/.iwallet/manager1.json sig2
$IWALLET_CMD sign --as_publisher_sign $txFile ~/.iwallet/manager2.json sig3
$IWALLET_CMD sign --as_publisher_sign $txFile ~/.iwallet/manager3.json sig4
# Finally, the operator send to signed tx to the blockchain.
$IWALLET_CMD --account $TEST_USER_ID send --signature_files sig2,sig3,sig4 --as_publisher_sign $txFile || (echo "should succeed, but fail"; exit 1)
echo "multisig test succeed!"
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