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Last active April 27, 2022 18:51
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* Performs a recursive binary search upon the interval [min,max]
* where `getDirection()` determines the direction of the current value
* in relation to the reference value.
* Due to the properties of this algorithm,
* reaching the solution will always take less than `⌈log₂(max-min)⌉` steps.
* @author Lara Sophie Schütt (@literallylara)
* @license MIT
* @param {Number} opts.min
* The minimum, or left side of the interval
* @param {Number} opts.max
* The maximum, or right side of the interval
* @param {Number} [opts.bias=1]
* The bias that defines the maximum allowed offset from the target value
* @param {Boolean} [opts.round=false]
* Whether or not to round the value including the argument to `getDirection()`
* @param {Number} [opts.maxSteps=Infinity]
* Tne maximum number of recursive calls this function is allowed to make
* @param {Function} opts.getDirection
* The return value of this function determines the direction of the
* current value in relation to the reference value:
* - ` 0` - currentValue = referenceValue
* - `-1` - currentValue < referenceValue
* - `+1` - currentValue > referenceValue
* It receives one argument representing the best guess for the target value
* and is called once per iteration
* @returns {{
* value: Number,
* steps: Number,
* aborted: Boolean,
* below: Boolean
* }}
* - `value` - The target value ± bias / 2
* - `steps` - The amount of steps it needed to converge to `value`
* - `aborted` - Whether or not the recursive loop was aborted due to reaching `maxSteps`
* - `dir` - The direction of the current value in relation to the reference value (see `getDirection()`)
export function binarySearch({
bias = 1,
round = false,
maxSteps = Infinity,
const mid = (min + max) / 2
const value = round ? mid + 0.5 | 0 : mid
const steps = arguments[1] || 0
const abort = steps === maxSteps
const dir = getDirection(value)
if (abort || dir === 0 || max - min < bias)
return { value, steps, aborted: abort, dir }
else if (dir < 0)
arguments[0].min = mid
return binarySearch(arguments[0], steps + 1)
arguments[0].max = mid
return binarySearch(arguments[0], steps + 1)
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Find the index for a value in a sorted array:

const arr = [ 23, 44, 67, 99, 109, 110, 304, 900, ... ]
const ref = 900

    min: 0,
    max: arr.length-1,
    round: true,
    getDirection: v => arr[v] === ref ? 0 : arr[v] < ref ? -1 : 1
}) // --> { value: 7, steps: 3, aborted: false, dir: 0 }

Guess a number between 0 and 1 million:

const ref = 1337

    min: 0,
    max: 1e6,
    round: true,
    getDirection: v => v === ref ? 0 : v < ref ? -1 : 1
}) // --> { value: 1337, steps: 18, aborted: false, dir: 0 } 

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