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Last active August 2, 2017 20:53
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Film Canister Holder
inches = 25.4;
module HexPack(rows, columns, spacing) {
// Assuming the circles are hexagonally packed,
// this is how far their center points are from each other.
// We can find the y spacing of the center points using the Pythagorean theorem because
// the center points between three adjacent circles will form an equilateral triangle.
function pythag(side, hypot) = sqrt(pow(hypot, 2) - pow(side, 2));
hex_x_spacing = spacing;
hex_y_spacing = pythag(spacing / 2, spacing);
for ( row = [0 : rows - 1] ) {
is_offset = ( row % 2 );
x_offset = (is_offset * (hex_x_spacing / 2));
y_offset = (row * hex_y_spacing);
for ( column = [0 : columns - 1] ) {
cur_x_offset = x_offset + (column * hex_x_spacing);
cur_offset = [cur_x_offset, y_offset, 0];
translate(cur_offset) children();
module BottleHolder(rows, columns, diameter, height, gap, padding_scale = 1.25) {
difference() {
HexPack(rows, columns, diameter + gap) cylinder(height, d = diameter + (2 * gap * padding_scale));
HexPack(rows, columns, diameter + gap) cylinder(height, d = diameter);
rows = 3,
columns = 4,
diameter = 1.25 * inches,
height = 0.25 * inches,
gap = 0.20 * inches
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