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Created May 27, 2016 08:30
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PGP over Slack using Greasemonkey
// ==UserScript==
// @name SlackPGP
// @namespace slack
// @description slackPGP
// @include https://**
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
//Evil globals
var publicKey = "0xDEADBEEF";
var privateKey = "";
var peerPublicKey;
var iStartedPGP;
var lastSent;
var myPeerId;
//Monkey patch Slack's message submit.
var submit = TS.view.submit;
function sendPublicKey() {
$('#message-input').val('handshake:' + publicKey);
* Detect the other persons ID
* I can grab this from data hiding in the direct message channel title
function getPeerId() {
myPeerId = myPeerId || $('#channel_header_info').find('span.presence').data('member-presence');
return myPeerId;
console.log('Peer: ' + myPeerId);
Who sent this message? Me or my peer?
function isFromPeer(senderId) {
return getPeerId() === senderId;
* Drop in your favorite PGP library here....
function encrypt(message, callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('encrypting with ', peerPublicKey);
return callback('%' + message + '%');
}, 0)
function decrypt(message, callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('dec using ', privateKey);
return callback(message.replace(/%/g, ''));
}, 0)
//Detect new message received. There's probably an event to hook into, but I'm lazy :)
$('#msgs_div').on('DOMNodeInserted', function (e) {
var target = $(;
if ('ts-message:not(.bot_message):not(.unprocessed)')) {//Ignore non-useful slack messages
console.log('message received!');
var container = target.find('.message_body');
var text = container.html();
var senderId = target.find('.message_sender').data('member-id');
console.log(senderId + ':', text);
if (isFromPeer(senderId)) {
// Check to see if we're establishing the handshake
if (text.match('^handshake:')) {
peerPublicKey = text.split(':')[1];
console.log('Received Key from peer');
if (!iStartedPGP) { //If I didn't start, then send them my public key.
console.log('Handshake complete');
// Otherwise decrypt the received text, and replace inline
decrypt(text, function (plainText) {
else {
//Replace my encrypted text with plain, just on this client
* Monkey Patch outgoing messages to make sure they're encrypted
TS.view.submit = function () {
var message = lastSent = $('#message-input').val();
// Special case to begin an encrypted session.
if (message === 'pgp') {
iStartedPGP = true;
return sendPublicKey();
encrypt(message, function (encMessage) {
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